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The sun was almost down now, and shined perfectly on her. I couldn't help but notice how her eyes became crystal clear.

"Y/n?" I looked around, making sure nobody was listening except her. My brother was off into the distance.

"Yeah?" she answered with a quick glance at me, and then back at the view.

"You have really pretty eyes." I confessed, scratching the back of my neck. She looked at me with a soft look.

"Thanks, Finn. Nobody's ever... " she trailed off.

"Nobody's ever what?" I echoed. She looked at the floor, and then grinned back at me.

"Nobody's ever really told me that before." she stammered.

"Well then everybody you've met is blind, because anyone who cares about you and pays attention to you can see that clearly." I said blushing, looking down and then back up at her.

"You care about me?" There was no need for me to hesitate.

"Of course I care about you. Even if I only met you two days ago, that's no excuse... right?" There was a long and deadly pause.

"I care about you too, Finn. Even if we did meet just over a day ago."

We shared a look and we both knew that there was nothing else that needed to be said. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, and she rested her head gently on mine. I opened my mouth to tell her more, but it seemed that even reality was altered, so I pushed away the thought for later and looked at the sun making its way down.


that's just a bit of a future chapter so i hope you like it and thanksss for reading ::)

p.s. i might also write some other stories after this story is finished sooooo stay tuned folks! 🌿


a few months later...

p.p.s. im onto the 20s in terms of chapters and it gets better honestly i read this and i gagged but trust me pls ok byeeee

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