xx → apologize?

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^^ idk why but this song just gives me chills oh fuck i love the lemon twigs.


I wake up with a pounding head, probably aftermath from last night,

last night?

oh shit.

After searching the room for anybody else, I pull myself out of bed, finally deciding that it was one of the things I just had to do,

but one of them was gonna be a bit harder than the other.

Finn is sitting on the couch when I find him, and he must of heard me coming down the stairs, because his head shot around when I came into earshot of him.

"Good morning," he says, with his head hanging over the back side of the couch, "how was the party? I mean, before you got totally wasted,"

"Yeah, how did I get home last night?" I ponder.

He looks around and then turns to face me, "oh, right, uh, I picked you up," he says, "with the car,"

"I thought you didn't have your license."

"I-" he sighs, "I don't," he says, "but it was really late, and you still weren't home, and I got worried. I found Paradyse huddled on the floor, so she was barely any help to you, eh?"

"I don't remember much after I got drunk," I say.

"Not much?"

"Yeah, uh, that's kinda what I wanted to talk to you about,"

He doesn't answer, just pats the seat next to him, signalling me to go sit there. "I, uh..." I start, "well it wasn't really...I mean...but..."

"Remember when we said we trusted each other?" he finally says.

I sigh, "you're right, I'm sorry," I gather my thoughts, "I was at the party, and I was super drunk, and then this 19-or-so guy came up to me and kissed me," I fidget with my hands in my lap.

"And you were drunk, so you..." he says, "kissed back, didn't you?"

I put my hand on my forehead, "I feel terrible, disgusting,"

"What do I even say now?" he asks, and looks at me.

"Well, I mean," I say, and he looks away, "you probably think I'm some sort of whore or someth-"

His head snaps back towards me, "what?! No!"

"Then what?"

"Then what? "

"Then tell me how you feel, this is a two-way trust thing, remember?" I snap, and he stays quiet, "I'm sorry," I say, "and I know sorry isn't enough, but it's all I've got right now,"

"I'll tell you how I feel," he replies, "I think what you did was stupid, but how do I even begin to get mad at you? You were drunk, what am I supposed to blame you for? Drinking? It's not like you kissed him, right?"

I shake my head, "no, he kissed me," I replay the memory back in my head.

The room stays quiet for a long time, 3 minutes, maybe.

Finn breaks the cruel silence, "thank you for telling me, though,"

"Well, yeah, I wasn't about to just hide it from you or something,"

"I know you're not that kind of person, y/n," he says, "I really just don't want this to be some sort of weight on us, you know?"

It sounded like both a confession and a suggestion, "honestly, I know it's not my place to say this, but me too,"

"It's always your place to say how you feel, y/n, you know that," he says, "and if you didn't know that, then I'll make it damn sure you do, you hear?" he faintly smiles.

I smile back, the same way he does, "yeah," I say, "I hear," the room goes quiet again, this time less tense, "d' you still love me?"

He looks down at me with a confused expression, his face all squished up. Then he looks away, and starts laughing, "of course I still love you," he chuckles, "how can I not? I mean look at you, most girls would have just brushed the situation off, but you told me, because it mattered to you," he says, "there's no way in this damned world I could or would turn against you."

"Well," I start, "I still love you, too, if you were wondering," I smirk.

He laughs, "well, I'm glad. I mean, I don't know what would have happened if I said all of that and you didn't."

For the third time, the room goes quiet, 

not in fear,

not in confusion,

but in something else,

I'm not sure what,

but it's something better.


w/c: 723

a/n: not sure how i feel about this chapter. it was a little cheesy but yet again that's what some people came looking for so i mean...also sorry this is short!! but it would be kinda hard for that to happen and then jump right into something else..

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