xvii → a few weeks.

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𝖓𝖊𝖜 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖘 𝖋𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖞𝖔𝖚'𝖗𝖊 𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖐.


I saw y/n near the door when we did pull up to terminal 2 at YVR. It's weird feeling seeing her in Vancouver, but it's nice. 

It really feels like I'm home now.

She was talking to two people her age; a boy and a girl. And they must have been twins because they were about the same height and age, too. I saw the boy look over at me, then say something to y/n, still glancing in my direction. She turned around to face me and she lit up. As soon as we came close enough to each other I wrapped my arms around her for what must have been at least 30 seconds. She nuzzled her head in my neck, and I could smell the familiar scent of lemongrass and lavender that she carries.


We pulled away, and now I could see clearly that the two people she was talking to earlier didn't know who I am, so I was able to take a breather. 

"This is Paradyse and Pierre Adler," y/n gestured to them, "I met them at the airport,"

"Yeah, after you-" Pierre started, but she puts her finger to her lips, telling him to be quiet.

"After you what? " I said, looking down at y/n, but she merely smiled. 

"Uh, we'll talk about it in the car," she answers, "Paradyse, Pierre, this is Finn, Wolfhard,"

"Twins, right?" I asked them.

"Yeah," Pierre answered. 

"Sorry," I say, "you're probably sick of hearing that," 

"No, no, that's okay," Paradyse jumps in.

Although these twins weren't identical, they share the same emerald eyes and wavy dirt hair. I'm not going to lie, they were both good-looking. They also have brown spots painted onto their cheeks and noses, like me. 

Nick beeps from the car, letting us know that we need to go.

"I'll talk to you guys soon," y/n smiles at them, "it was really nice meeting you,"

"You too," Paradyse says, and then we say good-bye and get into the car.


"Pretty bold move you made, y/n," Nick says, "catching a flight here, I mean,"

"I've done bolder things, especially in the past hour," I laugh nervously.

"Oh, right, you wanted to talk about something you did?" Finn gave me a sarcastic smile, like a protective older brother.

"Oh, uhm" I gather my thoughts and tell the story, "there was this big guy in the airport, and he locked me in a closet with him,"

"He did what? " Finn said, shocked out of his mind.

"Let her finish the story, jesus," Nick says.

"Well, uh, when I was pushed into the closet, I initially saw spilt windex, nothing that would be of any help, right?" I say, "well, turns out there was some bleach, so I picked the lock, held my breath, and..." I trailed off.

"And you created chloramine vapour," Finn sighed, "which is toxic," he rubbed his temples with his fingers. 

"I didn't know what to do," I fess up, "he was much bigger than me, and I-I couldn't think of something else otherwise,"

"So what's gonna happen when the janitor goes into the closet and sees a dead man in a room still full of toxic vapour?" Nick asks.

"There was a vent, he wouldn't get poisoned, I think," I say.

Finn puts his hand on top of mine, which was now resting on the seat separating us, "look, I know there was probably no other way to get out, and you could have been killed, or, uh, something worse," he starts saying, "but please, be careful, y/n. You could have been hurt,"

I nod my head, "I'm sorry,"

"It's okay," he looks at me, "you're okay, and that's all that matters to me,"


"What do you think I should tell my mom?" I whisper to Finn.

"She doesn't know you're here?" He asks quietly, but still stunned.

"Uh, I thought I would figure it out on the plane, but I fell asleep," I half chuckle.

He laughs, "I'm not surprised," he pauses, "say you're staying at a friend's?"

"Okay, but how long will that really last me?"

"I don't know, honestly," he admits.

But then I remember,

my mom signed me up for summer camp.

"Summer camp," I say.

"What?" he asks, "ohh, I see...wait, what?"

"My mom signed me up for camp for the next 3 and a half weeks, that's plenty of time,"

Finn smiles, and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Wait, do your parents know that you're smuggling a girl from Toronto?" I ask.

"No, but they're not home until September," he says in a matter-of-fact way, "just me and Nick," he states, "and you,"



"Any answer?" I ask y/n, who is now sitting cross-legged on my bed, while I play with her hair.

"No, not yet," she answers. She texted and called her mom several hours ago, 

and there's been no reply since. 

She turns around to face me, and rests her face in her hand.

"What if she gets mad?" she asks worriedly, "or what if she's not answering because she's not okay? Hurt?"

"It's going to be okay," I say.

"I hear that too much to believe it," she sighs.

"I never said everything is going to be okay," I state, "but not everything is going to go wrong. We're together,"

She looks down and nods, and I look at her. I look at her pretty eyes and her cheeks. The way she looks down when she thinks nobody is looking, how her hair frames her face perfectly. 

She looks back up at me, "lost in a daze?" she asks, with her face still in her hand.

I mimic her position and nod, "you are beautiful, y/n y/l/n,"


w/c: 963

a/n: you think you just said goodbye to the twins? HA, you've only just met them.

also, just realized there's a LOT of dialogue in this oops, sorry.

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