5. It's not possible

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AN: Disclaimer- I don't actually know too much about insomnia. I'm just talking from my experience. I might not have insomnia per say but something's definitely wrong. I might google some stuff but I'm not gonna do actual research or anything. So if you or someone you know has it and you notice I got some facts wrong feel free to correct me.

Louis' POV

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Louis' POV

I was woken up from my sleep by loud laughing. I groaned and raised my head from the pillow to see who I had to kill.

Wait a second. I fell asleep? Holy shit.

It might not me a big deal for you but it's a huge fucking deal for me. I haven't been able to fall asleep at night for literally a decade now.

It started when I was really young, like 7 or 8. At first I just fell asleep really late because I wasn't tired.

Mum always said that it was because I didn't do enough activities during the day so I never worried.

It went on like that for years. And it got worse over the years. A year or two later I couldn't sleep at all at night and only slept during the day.

That obviously fucked up my sleeping schedule even more. It really has taken a toll on me.

My grades got worse and worse. I started losing a lot of friends because I was so moody due to the exhaustion.

When I was around 12 or 13 my mum finally took me to see a doctor. And then I was diagnosed with insomnia.

It definitely wasn't the first time I had heard the word. I had done a lot of research to figure out what was wrong with me.

On one of the nights where I just couldn't sleep I googled about sleeping disorders. That was when I first heard about insomnia.

I had mixed feelings about the diagnosis. One on hand I was happy that I finally knew what was wrong. But on the other hand that just confirmed that there is something wrong with me.

I used to wish so badly that I was normal. Now I'm just so used to it that I don't even give a shit anymore.

The doctor prescribed me all different kinds of sleeping pills but none of them worked for me. No one could ever figure out why.

I've tried all kinds of different things. Like for example trying to keep up a sleeping schedule and avoiding naps during the day. I also tried weighted blankets and stress reliefs and stuff like that. None of those things has worked.

At one point I just gave up. I surrendered to the disorder. I let it win. But at the same time I didn't let it control me.

Sometimes it has been really hard. Like when I fall asleep at school during the lessons.

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