11. Good

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AN: This is just gonna be a zarry chapter. Sorry if it's boring. I just realized that Harry and Zayn haven't really spent time together yet. There might be a tiny bit of larry at the end.

Also, a few questions again.

Do you want larry to start dating soon or not yet?

Do you want them to get caught or not?

If they get caught should it be before or after they start dating?

Is there anything you'd like to see happen in the story?

And do you think that everything is going too fast?

That's it for now.

That's it for now

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Harry's POV

"Wake up Hazza! We're spending the day together!" Zayn said quite loudly as he plopped down on my bed. On top of me to be exact.

"Get off of me." I whined and tried to push him away. He laughed at my attempts but still got off of me. Thank god. It was getting hard to breathe.

I looked over to the clock on the wall and groaned out loud when I saw what time it was.

This was definitely not a good way to wake up on a Saturday morning at 10 am. Sometimes I genuinely hate my brother.

Weekends are supposed to be for sleeping in not for waking up so damn early.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked Zayn groggily.

"I already told you! We're spending the day together!" He said excitedly.

"Okay I got that but why so fucking early?" I asked and buried my face in my pillow. Thank god Louis couldn't come the night before. He definitely would've gotten caught. That would've been really bad.

"Oh come on you little baby. You can't always sleep the day away."

"Watch me." I said and closed my eyes to try and fall asleep again. He chuckled at me. Rude.

"No. Up you come." He said and pulled my blanket off of me. I immediately let out whine and curled up.

"Am I really that horrible to spend time with?"

"No, of course not. Just come back in a few hours."

"Fine. You asked for it. I tried to be nice." He said in a warning tone and suddenly I felt his fingers pressing on my stomach.

Loud giggles left my mouth while he tickled the life out of me.

"Are you up yet?" He asked while still torturing me.

"Yes! Just stop! Please!" I begged and he finally stopped. I took deep breaths and a few giggles still left my mouth.

"So what will we do?" I asked him once I had calmed down.

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