16. Fairytale

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Harry's POV

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Harry's POV

It's finally Friday! Louis and I are going on a date tonight! I'm soooo excited.

I still can't believe he asked me. I was, still am actually, so shocked. I never knew he liked me back. I'm so relieved to know he does.

I wonder what he has planned for us. No matter what it is I'm sure I'll love it. It's not about what we do but the person I'm with.

And I'll love doing absolutely anything if it's with Louis. I'd even go on a hike with him and I absolutely hate physical activity.

But I'm so nervous. What if the night will go horribly wrong? Knowing me I'd definitely find like a thousand ways to embarras myself.

What if after tonight he figures out he doesn't actually like me at all? Oh God now I'm scared.

Maybe I should just cancel? Yeah I definitely should.

Before I could take out my phone to call Louis my door opened and Zayn stepped in.

"You ready to go?" He asked me. Right, we still need to go to school. Only one more week and then we're on a break for two weeks.

Talking about break, Christmas is really soon. That also means Louis' birthday is soon. I have literally no idea what to get him.

"Yeah I'm ready. Let's go." I answered.

All three of our friends were already sitting in Louis' car when we got outside.

"It's finally Friday! Only one more day of torture and then we can just chill for two days." Was the first thing that Liam said.

"Yes! We should totally all hang out on the weekend!" Niall suggested. We all agreed immediately.

I don't even know why he still asks us each time. We've all hung out every weekend since we moved here.

                      🦋  🦋  🦋

"Hey Lou? Can I talk to you please?" I asked Louis at lunch. He nodded so we left the busy cafeteria.

"So what do you wanna talk about, angel?"

"I um I kinda um..."

"Yeah? What is it?" He asked with an encouraging smile on his face.

"I want to cancel our date." I said while only looking at the ground. I didn't want to see his face.

"What? Why?" He asked in a broken tone. I made the mistake to look at his face.

He looked so sad, like I had just crushed his only hope or something. That face will haunt me forever.

"Why did you change your mind? Did I do something wrong? Did you figure out you don't like me after all?" He asked me. I almost started crying because if how insecure he sounded.

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