22. Pretty please?

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I'm soooo sorry it's taken me forever, I've been really busy with school.

Oh and I'm a year clean from self-harm as of yesterday!

To anyone out there who's struggling just know that it does get better and you can do it. I belive in you!

And if anyone ever wants to talk to someone you can always message me, I promise I'll answer.

And is it really me updating during the day and not at 1 am like usually? No way. Hahaha

Today is the day that every student dreads, we go back to school from a break

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Today is the day that every student dreads, we go back to school from a break.

"Ready Hazza?" Zayn asked coming into my room.

"Yup. Are the others waiting already?" I asked while gathering all the things I needed.

"Yeah they are, Niall texted me like five minutes ago." He said while checking his phone.

"We have got to stop being late all the time." I told him with a giggle.

"You're telling that to me? You're the one who always makes us late!" He exclaimed.

"If you say so!" I said. I knew it was a hundred percent true though.

As Zaynie said, our boyfriends were indeed waiting by our car outside. I greeted Niall with a hug and Lou with a kiss.

"Come on lovebirds, you can do it in the car! We're gonna be late if we don't leave soon." Zayn told Louis and I with a groan.

Louis smirked into the kiss and just deepened it instead of stopping. It took all my willpower to hold back a moan.

God if I would've moaned in front of my brother and my best friends it would've been so flipping embarrassing.

"Please stop, I'm literally begging you. I don't want my breakfast to come back up already." Zayn groaned. I heard Niall laugh at that.

Louis then finally pulled away and smiled at me. "Good morning my gorgeous and lovely boyfriend."

I giggled and blushed at that. "Good morning my handsome and caring boyfriend." I said back.

"God why do you have to be so fucking sappy all the time? Zayn please tell me that we aren't like that." Niall asked.

"We aren't, baby." Zayn said to Niall with a smile and caressed his cheek. Is he serious? They're literally worse than we are.

In the car Zayn was driving and Niall sat up front with him so that gave Lou and I a chonce to cuddle in the backseat.

Let me tell you, cuddling while having your seat belts on is pretty difficult and not very comfy but we made it work.

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