12. It's okay

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I changed my username. I like this one way better than my last one.

A month later

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A month later

So...it's been a month since the day I spent with Zayn. A month of sneaking around with Louis.

He mostly sneaks into my room but I've went to his a few times as well. And let me tell you, it was really stressful.

I was so scared that I'll get caught by either Zayn or Niall. It gave me such bad anxiety.

Actually this whole situation has made me more anxious. And it has definitely made me a lot more stressed.

Louis always reassures me that we won't get caught but he can't promise that. All it takes is for Zayn to come into my room once at the wrong time.

Of course some good things have come out of this situation as well. Louis doesn't have those awful bags under his eyes and he doesn't look exhausted to the point of soon fainting anymore.

And we've grown a lot closer. And of course my crush on him has grown as well.

I like him so much it honestly hurts. It hurts to think that he will never feel the same way about me.

But what gives me some hope is the fact that I've never seen him flirt with anyone.

Actually now that I think about it I haven't seen him even talk with anyone that isn't in our little squad.

But it's not like he flirts with me either or anything. Well unless you count him calling me angel flirting which I don't think it is.

It's just a nickname he gave me. I still don't know why he calls me that though.

He's also called me baby a few times. I'd probably never admit it but I absolutely love it. And it feels completely different from when Zayn calls me that.

Speaking of Zayn, he's still really suspicious of my relationship with Louis.

He always stares at us whenever we even just speak. It's getting a bit annoying.

I still don't get why he doesn't like me hanging around him. He hasn't done anything to hurt me.

Well except for the first few weeks of us living here but I got over that a long time ago.

🦋 🦋 🦋

I was walking out of the school building after classes when someone grabbed my hand to stop me.

I turned around to see Ed, who looked a bit nervous.

"Harry um I know this is the third time I've asked you but would you like to hang out with me?" He asked me.

He looked around us, probably to see if Louis was around anywhere. He wasn't. Damnit, where is he when I need him?

"Um yeah sure?" I said quietly but it sounded more like a question. He looked at me with surprise.

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