13. All good?

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I was woken up in the morning by the bright light coming from my window

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I was woken up in the morning by the bright light coming from my window.

I nuzzled my head further into my pillow. Or well as I opened my eyes I realized that it was Louis' chest.

"Morning love." He said in his raspy morning voice.

"Good morning." I said back. I still didn't move from where I was cuddled up to him. It was too comfy to move.

Louis seemed to enjoy our position as well because he pulled my body even closer to his.

I looked up at him and noticed that our faces were now only a few inches apart. He seemed to notice our closeness as well.

"Hi." I said stupidly. I'm a very awkward person.

"Hi." He said back with a laugh.

Before I even noticed we were both leaning in more.

"Hazza, can I borrow your-" I heard Zayn's voice as my door opened. Shit, I thought I locked it last night.

His eyes widened as he took in the sight in front of him. Soon his eyes narrowed into a glare.

"What the fuck is going on here?!" He asked angrily and loudly. He looked absolutely furious. The look in his eyes seemed deadly. For the first time in my life I was actually scared of my brother.

We both sat up quickly.

"Look man, I can explain-" Louis started but was interrupted.

"You! Get the fuck out of here before I end you!" He yelled at Louis.

"Listen Zayn-" Louis tried again.

"No! I don't want to hear anything that comes out of your disgusting mouth! Get the fuck out of here! And if I ever see you near Harry again I swear you'll regret it." Zayn threatened him.

Louis seemed to think it over before sighing. "Bye Haz. And I'm sorry." He said before quickly putting on his shoes and then hurrying out of my room.

I gulped and looked towards my brother. He still looked really mad.

"What were you thinking?! Why the hell would you sleep with him Harry? My best friend! And you're only 14!"

"I-I didn't sleep with him. Well not in the way you think, I promise." I explained with tears in my eyes.

"I don't want to hear it right now. God I'm so disappointed in you. Just-" He said and shook his head before leaving my room.

The tears were now falling freely from my eyes. He said he's disappointed. It hurts even more than if he would be angry.

But he didn't even let me explain anything. I wonder if he'd still be disappointed in me if he knew the whole story.

I'm actually helping Louis for God's sake. We're not doing anything wrong. Maybe he'd be proud of me? Probably not.

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