17. You're so lucky

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AN: I've been sick for 6 weeks now. How fun, right?

And no it's not covid. At least I don't think it is.

I was sick last year around this time for over a month as well. My mum thinks I might be allergic to our cat.

Oh and listen to the song I put in the media. I love it so much.

I'm so nervous

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I'm so nervous. Lou and I will tell Niall and Liam that we're dating today. Well Zayn too since he doesn't know yet but he won't be surprised.

We figured we'd do it in the car while driving to school. Not the best place, I know, but it's convenient since we're all gonna be there.

We originally wanted to do it on Saturday but Louis and Niall had to go out if town.

I'm so afraid to see their reactions. I don't think Liam is gonna care really that much but it's Niall I'm worried about.

I'm so afraid that he's gonna hate me and never talk to me again. Or even worse, if he isn't gonna talk to Louis anymore. I would hate myself if I ever came between them.

What if he tells me to break up with Louis though? As much as I'd hate to lose one of my best friends, one of my only friends really, I would never do it. I love Louis and he makes me happy.

What he tells Louis to break up with me though? Would he do it? Surely his brother is more important to him than his boyfriend. Okay, new fear unlocked.

I hope I'm just overthinking everything like usual and everything's gonna be just fine.

"Ready to go Haz? Everyone's waiting." Zayn asked me from behind my door. I quickly grabbed my coat and my bag and left my room.

"Yeah, 'm ready." I mumbled and rubbed my eyes with the back of my hands. I was so tired. Zayn cooed at me.

He took my hand and we left the house. He knows I get more clingy and cuddly when I'm tired. I really appreciate these little things.

Like Zayn had said, everyone was already waiting by our car. It's Zayn's turn to drive us this week.

"Sorry for the wait. Someone took a little more time than usual to wake up." He said while giving me a pointed look.

"Sorry." I apologized to everyone.

"It's okay baby." Niall said and gave me a hug. I didn't let go of him for a minute because I was afraid that it was gonna be our last hug in a while if not ever.

He thankfully didn't say anything about me not letting him go and just hugged me back until I was ready for it to be over.

In fact, no one said anything and we all just got in the car. I guess everyone already knows that I can be really affectionate sometimes.

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