25. I love you

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AN: The last chapter! I honestly can't believe we're at the end already. It feels like I started it yesterday.

Louis' POV (a few hours earlier)

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Louis' POV (a few hours earlier)

"Ready to go?" Zayn asked me. He, Niall and I were already by the car and about to head home.

"Wait where's Hazza? Isn't he coming? I asked with confusion. There's no way he forgot about my baby, right?

"No, he's not. He texted me earlier and said he wants to finish a project at the library." He explained.

That's weird. He didn't say anything to me. He always tells me when he has plans. Oh well, I guess he forgot or didn't think it was important since he already told his brother.

We all got into the car and Zayn drove us all home. Niall went over to his house so that left me home alone.

It's actually been a long while since I was all alone, either Niall is always home or I'm with Hazza.

I guess that gives me a chance to just relax and clear my head. Although I do kind of already miss my baby.

One thing I don't get is his opinion on Danielle. I honestly can't understand why he thinks she's such a bad person.

She's always been so sweet, to everyone. She even used to volunteer at an animal shelter. Plus no one's ever said that she's mean before.

Is it possible that he's just making everything up? I mean her bullying Niall, really? He would've told me ages ago if that was actually true.

Maybe he's just jealous? He does know that I used to have a crush on Danielle so I guess he has a valid reason to be jealous.

But making up lies just so I'd start disliking her? That's too far.

What if he's not lying? Could she really be manipulative and a bully? It just really doesn't sound like her but I guess it is a possibility.

I'm aware that she's always had this like power over me I guess. She was able to get me to do whatever she wanted.

I never thought she'd still have that power over me though. But it's clear that she does. It really showed yesterday.

I genuinely don't know why I ignored my baby when he was in pain. I love him and I'd do anything for him. And it's in the job description of being a boyfriend. I still hate myself because of that. He shouldn't have forgiven me so quickly.

Harry always forgives people too quickly. It's very sweet and cute but I'm afraid he and his kindness are gonna be taken advantage of in the future.

I once asked him why he does it. Forgive people easily I mean. Wanna know what he said? He said that he's used to not being in a position to keep grudges and now that he finally has friends why should he lose them over something as silly as an argument.

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