Chapter 16: Accidental

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                        BumbleBee was sitting in MotorMaster's room, editing his weapon. MotorMaster walked in and sat down in his chair, pulling up a file and reading it. Bee looked over for a second before returning to his weapon. He accidentally broke a wire and it shocked his hand. "Ow!!" He yelped. MotorMaster turned to him "You alright?" He asked. Bee nodded, holding his hand. MotorMaster turned in his chair to face the scout. He lightly grasped the mech's hand as BumbleBee took his other hand away from it. He rubbed his massive thumb across Bee's hand calmly. BumbleBee grabbed another seat and sat down. 

                    "Thanks, MotorMaster." He says. MotorMaster nods and suggests "Next time, I would ask if you leave the wiring and systems to Slashmark." They both laugh and BumbleBee blushes slightly. MotorMaster sees it and blushes hard. He covers his face and Bee stops blushing "Did-Did I do something wrong?" MotorMaster shakes his helm "N-No.... You're fine." He stands up and walks away.

Bee's Perspective

                I knew something was wrong but didn't know what. "Cheif, please!! You can tell me!!" I ran after him. "MotorMaster!!! Just tell me!!!" "Enough, BumbleBee." He growled. I didn't listen "Something is wrong!! What did I do?" "Enough! BumbleBee." MotorMaster growls louder. I wanted to know what I did wrong. I yell louder "MotorMaster for primus sake, What did I do? Why are you shutting me out like this? What IS WRONG!!???" "I SAID ENOUGH!!!" MotorMaster snaps around and punches me in the face. I fall down and stare blankly infront of me at my cheif's feet. 

                          Everything was silent. My processor felt like it was spinning. I could see him step back in fear at what he did. I couldn't move. My optics blinked involantarily. I closed my optics for a period of time before reopening them. "Bee." I heard muffled. I couldn't move. MotorMaster knelt down to me and lifted my head up to face him. "Bee, what did I do?" He muffledly asks in terror. Nothing but a moan of pain leaves my voicebox. MotorMaster lifts me into his arms and I push against his chassis.

                          "Bee?" He asked. Everything started coming back. I found my senses and say "I'm sorry for pushing you." "I'm sorry, too. For hitting you." I close my optics and my helm is brought back. Metal touches my dermas and I reach up to find my servos at MotorMaster's mask. I hum in approval and MotorMaster seperates from me. I open my optics to see the stunticon. "I accept your apology." I say, still dazed. A tear runs down his faceplate and he nods "I think I may need to work on my anger issues."

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