Chapter 18: Busting Pods

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That night, I was sleeping with MotorMaster in our shared berth. I turn to face him, pushing against his chassis. He was intensely warm, but then again we live in a desert. I look back on the floor, seeing BackTrack and Ransack in their alts, in the corner of the room, sleeping soundly. I lay back down and fall asleep.

          When I awoke, I felt something on me. I opened my optics and saw MotorMaster's arm around me. I was also close to his chest. I looked up and saw his optics forward. They were drifting across the text of a Holopad. I yawned and he heard me. He taps his audio receptors twice and turns off the screen. "Morning, Bee." He says. I respond "Morning, Motor's." An alarm sounded and I jumped. MotorMaster growled "If Dragstrip pulled the alarm again to prank me, I swear."

                  He gets up and gets out his sword "Motors, I don't think that's a good—" as he was opening up the door, he quickly shut it back, trying to make as little noise as possible "Stay in here." He says. I was curious why "Why?" He turns and yells at me "STOP ASKING QUESTIONS AND LISTEN FOR ONCE!!!!!" I was even more terrified. He sighs, shaking his helm "Just stay in here and don't come out. Hide under my Desk in alt. The dark room and shadow of the desk should hide you enough. And don't turn on your lights or speak for any reason. You 2, protect him if they come in here."

                Ransack and Backtrack both chirped and hid to come out for a surprise attack. I transformed and rolled under my leader's desk as he instructed. Loud metal clashes and shots happened outside, I tensed up in fear.

It soon died down and the door opened slowly. I turned my lights off and the bot walked in. I didn't recognize their feet in the slightest. Just then, the bot stopped walking and 2 smaller bots landed on the ground. A deep voice followed "Students, be on your guard, anything could happen at this moment." The bots reply "Yes, Master!" Just then Ransack and Backtrack jump out of hiding and the bots start fighting. The taller mech knocks them out and the skid along the ground. I stayed quiet. The bot continued to walk around the room along with the other 2. Who or what were they searching for? I noticed that they had blue eyes.

           They shortly leave and a groundbridge is heard outside. I roll out and transform, looking around, the 2 cyclone mini cons weren't there. I then run outside. Everyone was gone. I searched every office and hiding place, nothing. I shout in anger and then pull out my hunter, attacking a nearby post. I shake my helm, calming down. "I'm gonna find them." I growl. I stock up on weapons and make sure my rims work. They did.

I leave base and transform, driving off. I get to a place called "Crown City" the signals were close. I could also sense MotorMaster. It was night by the time I got there. I find a scrapyard and jump the wall. Surprisingly, no alarms went off. Their base is not guarded well. I run to the 8back and find stasis pods. I run over and look at one. It was hard to see into it, that's for sure.

I open the pod and a yellow mech falls out. They wince and slowly stand to their feet. "I'm out? I'm out!! IM OUT!!!! Now I will continue my journey!!! PRAISE THE REVOLUTION—- AAHHH!!" He yells when he sees me. "Sssh!!! They might hear you!!" I say, covering his mouth. The quilled decepitcon stutters "I-I-I... Y-you!!! What??? What's going on?!!? I demand to know!!" I sigh "My name is BumbleBee. I'm a stunt icon. I'm getting you out of here along with my friends. I just have to find them first—-" I click another one and a pink bot steps out "Finally!!! Oh, hi." They say to me. "Who are you?" I shush them and then open another, this time, it was one of mine. "Dragstrip!!" I yell.

He nods and points to a few other pods. I run to them and the other 2 that I got out first help me. The 3 were Slashmark, HeatSeeker, and Wildbreak. "Where's the chief?" I ask. Heatseeker's face changes and he points to the front of the scrapyard. "Under heaviest guard, too. I saw it before I fell asleep. Lasers, 2 mini cons, and 3 larger bots." I sigh "Oh boy..."

Prince Of The Roads (MotorMaster X BumbleBee)Where stories live. Discover now