Chapter 19: Escape

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             I made my way to the front and saw the predicament. The 3 that came into my room were there. There were also 2 others. From their armor pieces, I'd say that they are a race at and a police truck.

"So, what's the plan?" Dragstrip asks. I push him back "I'm gonna go around. You guys find Ransack and Backtrack. They're 2 cyclone mini—-" I saw said spheres roll up to me and transform. "You gotta be kidding me! How'd you guys get out?" They use hand motions to describe it "Our stasis pod didn't work right. We waited for the moment to bust out and here we are." I nod. The pink bot from before asks "Hey, BumbleBee. How do we get out? Because there's a defense system that will go off if we try to escape." I was surprised "It worked for me, how come it won't work for you guys?" They went silent. "We don't know, but we'd rather not test to see if it will."

I tell them to stay here and await my command. I leave Slashmark in charge and with a plan and jump the wall as I did to get in here. I run to the back and spot no defense systems from there. "Hmm. Autobots, always leaving an open door for Decepticons. How kind of them." I jump down from the wall and silently walk up to the stasis pod. Our bond was getting stronger by the days we were together. I could speak to him now "Motors, I don't know if you can hear me, but you're gonna get out of here. Trust me." I whisper. I climb on top of the pod and say to myself "Wrecker fact #17, Guards never look up. Seems that works for Cons too.... Wait how do I know that?" I shake it off and look over to my team.

I raise my hand and clench a fist telling them to proceed. Quillfire shot a single quill to grab their attention. The guards look over in shock. "CON ON THE LOOSE!!!" The red one yells, running at him. The white one ejects their weapon from their tool and gets ready. The red bot gets ready to fight before Slashmark jumps between them, battle ready. The race car steps back, clearly not ready to fight 2 cons. The others come out and charge. I duck down, hiding. The other autobots come outside to help fight them. Later in the fight, the dinosaur yells out "I thought they were put in stasis!!! How are they awake now!!!??" "Must be a malfunction of the pods!!!" The samurai answers. An orange minicon yells "THE STASIS PODS ARE FINE!! THERE'S NO EAY THEY COULD HAVE FILET, *glitch* Intake!! *glitch* *metal clang* ESCAPED!!!!" A red winged femme calls out to him "Well then there's another con who let them escape, Fix-it!!!"

I jump down and get ready to type in codes until I got it. Surprisingly, I got it first try. MotorMaster steps out "You came back!" He says. I reply "Now's not the time for reunion, but I'll talk on the road. STUNTICONS!!! MISSION SUCCESFUL!!! LETS BURN RUBBER!!!" My team and the 2 new bots transform and drive away. I go with MotorMaster. I look back seeing the red one charging a gun at me. The other red bot tackles him to the ground yelling "SIDESWIPE!!! DON'TSHOOT HIM!!!" I transform with my sparkmate and we drive away.

On the drive, Motors says to me "You know, I never would have thought that you could lead a mission that fool proof. Every time I've tried to get you, I failed, and I'm a lot stronger than you are." I hum in approval and he then starts laughing. "What's so funny?" I ask. He answers "Our callout. How's you know that?" I was confused. He explains "You yelled out 'let's burn rubber'. That's our stunticon battle cry as the autobots have 'roll out'" I vent "I don't know, it was the first thing that came to mind."

What happened during the mission then confused me. "MotorMaster, I know you hate questions but I noticed a few things that didn't add up." He responds "go on." I explain "during that mission, I noticed that the defense systems didn't work on me as they would the others. It's as if I wasn't a con or the defense systems weren't up. I then noticed that I immediatly knew the code to each pod.... A-And each one was different." I could feel his nervousness. I go on "And then the final thing, an autobot tackled their friend so they wouldn't shoot me. Why would they do that?" He calms down "N-no clue. Must be a malfunction of defense, a lucky guess, and the last one? I have no idea on why they did that."

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