Chapter 37: Support From An Enemy

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Bumblebee goes on "For the most part I was captured by Steeljaw. Saberhorn engaged me and made me think I could trust him. Steeljaw took me to Cybertron to serve my 'sentence' I believe it was, he then got permission from the council to eradicate me and used his decepticon hunter to try to kill me. I'm blind now because of it."

"How did you escape?" Drift asks.

Sideswipe jumps in "Yeah! How's you escape without the big bad wolf getting you?"

Bee scratches his neck "I um.... May have had a friend to help me.... One who will be joining this team."

Bulkhead asks excitedly "Was it Arcee? No wait wait wait, don't tell me! It's Magnus!"

Wheeljack adds "No it has to be Smokescreen!"

The Lieutenant shakes his helm "No. A rather.... Different friend.... One who I hope you will get along with soon enough."

"Well if he's autobot, it shouldn't be too hard." Sideswipe snorts.

They follow Bumblebee to the gate and the mech says "I want you to meet— well, re-meet the bot who saved my life.... More than once." He brings back the gate and none other than the Stunticon chief stood there.

Everyone gets out their weapons and Denny yells "Bumblebee behind you!!"

"No guys! It's okay! It's alright!" Bee stops them, getting infront of MotorMaster.

"Bumblebee it's not your friend!" Strongarm yells.

"It's MotorMaster!!!" Sideswipe adds.

The yellow mech yells "I KNOW!!! That's who saved me."

Everyone shuts up and lowers their weapons in shock. "Tell them." Bee asks.

MotorMaster nods "It's true. We're not making this up. I've been taking care of him while he wasn't with you guys. I saved him from Razorpaw and 2 of his minicons, Overload, and now Steeljaw. And in return for the first save or so, he busted me out of stasis."


MotorMaster steps back. Bumblebee counters "Well, let me ask you this. Are you happy that I'm safe?"

"Yes! Yes of course!!" Sideswipe and Strongarm both agree on something for once.

Bumblebee adds "Are you thankful that I'm alive?"


"Well then thank MotorMaster! I wouldn't be here if it weren't for him!!" Bee raises his voice.

The autobots didn't and just looked to him, ready to attack if needed.

Bumblebee has them back away and pushes the Stunticons into the base. "All of you get to know each other. No fighting, no stasis cuffs or pods or nothing! Get along!! I'm going to talk to MotorMaster."

The Lieutenant drags the bot over to his favorite spot and sits down on a pile of fridges. The Stunticon saw how stressed he was and walked over, placing his servo on the bot's shoulder, making him flinch. "You alright, Bee?"

"No, Motors.... It's..... it's hard... to—"

"Lead and Introduce. I get that, Bud. I yelled at my stunticons to get them to welcome to you. They know I'll do something if they don't. And your bots— well not to sound rude but— they know you won't do anything harsh that they can't get out of, and even if you do, they'll get out of it."

Bumblebee turns and hugs his boyfriend's arm "What do I do?"

"How about give them to me a week and I'll surprise you."

"Don't hurt them, hon." Bee turns his helm.

"I won't." Motors assures. "But for now, I want to take a nap, how about you?"

The Stunticon lays on the ground, after stacking a bunch of nearby mattresses for a soft ramp to lay on. Bumblebee walks over and sits on the stunticon's belt and laying on his friend. His digits rub across Motormaster's chest plate as he slowly falls to sleep.

The decepticon, even though the autobot was asleep, he brings his hands to Bee's hips and rubs the plates softly.

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