Chapter 24: Captured AGAIN

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            "Heatseeker!!!!???" I yell out. He steps back, completely alarmed "I didn't try to hit you!! I promise!!! I was running trying to find you and here ya're!" He exclaims. I then noticed something weird.... "Cons have been acting strange lately....." I say. He kneels down and I back up a bit, staying away from him. "We're acting strange? You're actin strange!" Heat informs me. "How so?" I question. Before he answers, I hear a loud scream of pain and run over to it. I was met with energon everywhere.... Coming from one bot....

                The yellow eyed mech looks at me, growling "I will kill you....." he growls. I saw his decepticon hunter lodged into his backplate. Steeljaw tries to stand but a larger con pushes him down. He then tears out the sword, killing the wolf-con instantly. I watched his eyes go out and then I look to the con who was stained in energon. "MotorMaster....." I whimper, tears beading my eyes. All he does is walk forward and grab my wrist. He then pulls me behind him "MotorMaster! Stop this!" I order him. I try to yank my hand away but it was no use. I then kick his hand and he winced, letting go. I then start running but I could hear him after me. I run into something soon enough and Blackout...

When I woke up, I was bound in another thing of chains. I look around and then spot a set of yellow eyes. "You are so easily fooled." The con says, spinning his sword in his hand. I growl "Steeljaw. You died." He chuckles "Simple light bender trickery. But yours won't be. I assure you." He Bares his teeth and walks over to me. He kneels down and sits on his legs infront of me "Why do you want me dead?" "You're an autobot? Why else?" He grabs my chin and I state "You would have done it already." Steeljaw states "Oh believe me Bumblebee. The time will come. But.... a bot would come to question, Who's your best friend?" I cock a ridge "What do you mean? It's obviously Optimus." He chuckles "No, that's not right... there is someone out there who you love, desperately as well. Almost like..... oh what's the word? Passionately?"

I bring myself back "Was that a trick back in the forest? Was that your cyclone minicon?" Steeljaw shakes his head "Just airazor with a light bender. Now answer my question. Who is your BEST friend?" "I already answered that!" I yell. He growls and presses the sword to my neck "I won't ask you again." He growls "WHO IS your best friend!!??" I didn't answer. I look to the blade, to Steeljaw, and then back to the blade." He pushes me down violently causing the weapon to hurt me. I whimper out "Stop!" He laughs "I will when you tell me." I whimper "Please, I'm being honest! I don't know what you want!!" He growls "I told you! I want to know who your friend is!?" I quieted before belting "I DONT FRAGGING KNOW!!!!" He stops for once and I continue yelling, soon outbursting into tears "I don't know what you want from me!! I don't know who you're referring to!! If Heatseeker and MotorMaster were fake back there then you know something I don't!! So why don't you tell me why you made them talk like that!!"

He snorts and leaves the room, leaving me with my thoughts. I then lay back after the door closes and start crying harder. "Strongarm, Sideswipe, please find me...."

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