Chapter 27: Stay Or Go?

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"Does this have to go on like this?" I ask as Slashmark is buffing my armor. Slashmark looks up to me, confused. I continue "Like— secrets. From my team.... They don't know I'm associating with you guys..."

"Your choice." He responds. "If they don't like it, then pick your side. Autobot or Stunticon."

I got nervous at this "What do you mean?"

"Either dump your team or break up with MotorMaster. None of us care which one you pick." He said that so dull... like it was meant to be an insult.

I look down and think it over. If I break up with MotorMaster, he'll surely get mad and then it's back to day 1 where we hated each other and wanted to knock the other into stasis...

If I dump my team, my whole squad is up against me. Not to mention Optimus... he's so close to me too. He's a father to me. I can't leave his side.

Wait but..... I hate to say or think this but Steeljaw's been wanting to kill me for awhile now. If he's successful, MotorMaster might kill Steeljaw, his band of bots dispand, no more problem for my team. And...... no more problem for me....

I need to talk to someone.... Maybe Heatseeker....

                I wait for Slashmark to finish fixing me before I go off to find him. And there he was, breaking up Dragstrip and Wildbreak before they could tear each other to shreds. I shake my helm, laughing. As soon as he saw me, he dropped the two, not caring how and bolted over, yelling my name and hugging me tightly, lifting me into the air. "Hi Heatseeker!" I yell, out of breath as he swung me around, his arms still tight around me.

              Heats sets me down and punches my shoulder "How ya been, bug!?" He asks, excited as always.

I laugh sheepishly "F-fine. You?"

He bats an invisible fly "Pssh, never been better." 

"I-I wanted to talk to you..." As soon as those words left my voicebox, his smile dropped. The other two who were back to arguing, look to me. The desert fell silent for once.

An alarm goes off and everyone looks to it "We got a mission to go on, but tonight! Tonight at the campfire! Tell us! Alright?" Dragstrip yells to me before bolting off with the other two. I nod shyly as I watch them transform and ride away. MotorMaster along with them.

               I go to Motor's office and out came the 2 cyclone minicons I took under my wing. They chirp and show me some new rocks they had painted and then dragged me behind the building for me to see their rock garden. It was..... awesome! All different colors and shapes and sizes. Gorgeous it was. They place the new rocks by a few in the middle and then it was when I realized that it was  me and the stunticons amongst Cybertronian and earth cities. They get together in front of me count down "Oney... Tooa, Free! FUTWURE!!!" They exclaim.

I smile, looking down to them. I wanted to agree but something was telling me I shouldn't. I then hear a voice behind me say "So, this is where you ran off to?" I turn around and eyes go wide....

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