Chapter 4: Who Is In Your Nightmares?

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                    Wheeljack asks "So you said it was really scary. What happens in your nightmares?" Bee sighs "Well you've never really met my enemies so I can't really explain it." Wheeljack crosses his arms "I'll try best I can." BumbleBee continues "Alright, well there is this wolf-con named Steeljaw and he's the leader of a pack of cons. Steeljaw and I have a bad history as well. He's tried different ways to kill me, same with other enemies. Burning, Crushing, Paralisis, Swords, Weight, Falling Objects/Debris, etc. But.... Steeljaw.... In the nightmares, he's always tried to kill me with either a sword, or his own claws. But this one mech that I don't know of keeps coming out of nowhere and protecting me. I never can actually see the bot. All I know is his deep voice." Wheeljack is astound by the words "Well are there any other features that you can make out to interpret who the bot is? It could be Optimus for all you know."

               BumbleBee puts a digit to his chin, crossing his arms "That wouldn't make sense though." Wheeljack looks over "What do you mean by that?" Bee makes optic contact with the wrecker and explains "Well the mech has a different way of annoucing his presence." Wheeljack raises a ridge in confusion and the lieutenant continues "He always adds to what Steeljaw says, or finishes. Like in my last nightmare, Steeljaw was counting down and the strange bot finished the countdown before attacking him." 

                   Wheeljack raises both ridges "Maybe its Grimlock then?" Bee looks back down at the path "Grimlock doesn't have weapons, plus, he has claws. The mech in my nightmares has rounded digits." 

                  Wheeljack gasps "I have the perfect idea!!" BumbleBee turns to him "What is it?" Wheeljack says "Lets go back to base and list every bot off that does match your description!!" Bee nods "Good idea." They transform and drive back to base.

                Fix-it welcomes them "Hello you sue, *glitch* new, *glitch* *hit* TWO!!! How are you?" Bee ignores the question and says "I need a list of all the bots we know." Fix-it is shocked but quickly sends him the list of EVERY bot that they knew "I hope you find what you're looking for. But, mind if I tag along in your search?" The seg-way minicon asks. Bee sits down at a table with Wheeljack and says "Not at all, Fix-it. Come on up." He lifts the orange minicon up and sets him on the table. "So, who are we looking for?" Bee answers "The mech from my dreams who's been protecting me from Steeljaw." Fix-it laughs "Well that shouldn't be too smart, *glitch* yard *glitch* *hit* HARD!!! We can just take a quick look through of your friends."

                     Bee remarks "Almost none of them match the my description of the mech, though." Fix-it stops "You're thinking it's a con?" Bee nods slowly "Possibly...."

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