Chapter 1- An eye for an eye, a finger for a brother

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"Don't let anyone step on you Amelia, not even Father, well I mean, I know you're not old enough to understand, but one day you will, people don't deserve your effort or sympathy. But anyways, you don't have to worry about it for now, as long as I live and have you close to me I won't let anyone hurt you." I thought I understood what he said back then, but how wrong I was and how wrong he was. Out of all people, it was him that hurt me the most.

I opened my eyes to see myself on a hospital bed, it was starting to become a hobby at this point. When all of my senses came back to my body I realized that Axel, Mother, and Father were all there watching me like creeps.

"What?" Was all that came out of my dry throat, I didn't know why I was here.
"What happened to me?" I felt so weak for some reason as if all of my blood had been drained from me. I had to ask again because they just stood there as if I was talking to a wall.
"You-- you don't remember?" Something is wrong, Axel doesn't stutter, never.
"No, I don't, what happened?" Then my mother couldn't hold her tears any longer, what the hell was happening?

My eyes went to Axel, then to Mother, then to Father then the cruel memories came back. Dylan... they shot him, he was all covered in blood, he was... where is he? Is he... he can't be dead! My eyes began to water and there was an unbearable pain in my chest.

"Where... where is he?" They wouldn't answer so I started taking off all the weird shit attached to me to get on my way and find out where he was on my own. But as soon as I got up my legs gave up on me and Axel helped me back onto the bed.
"He's alive don't worry." Why was that so hard to say, why make me go through an unnecessary worry?
"Then why the sad faces, what happened?"
"That's the same thing I ask, he's just in a state of coma and you can have more kids later on." Mother and Axel shot him a deadly glare and only then I was able to get what he said. Dylan is in a coma and something about... a... kid... I was pregnant. No no no, I'm still pregnant, right? I can't lose my baby right when I found out about his existence.

"Why would you say such a reckless thing, Joseph?"
"What? She was going to find out anyways."
"Don't be a heartless bitch McMillan. Matter of fact, why don't you get your fat and old ass out of here?" Wow wow, a lot was going on here, but I had to know what happened to my baby.
"The baby, is it okay? It has to be, please tell me it's still with me." I know I'm probably not prepared nor capable of having a baby right now but it still doesn't take out the pain of losing someone that once was a part of you.
"Who the fuck do you think you are talking to--"
"For God's sake Joseph! For once in your miserable life stop being so self-centered and think about your kids. It's your children that you're talking about, do you not care at all that we don't know if our little boy is going to survive this or not?" Father seemed a little surprised by my mother's sudden response and if it weren't for my lack of strength and motivation I'd had happily thrown more fuel to the fire. I still didn't receive an answer to my question.

"Oh stop acting as if you care when you clearly didn't do an awesome job as a mother." Why was I such a fool? Blood is blood alright, but in the end, blood doesn't always mean family.

How did it ever cross my mind to forgive this idiot? Ah, for sure it must have been the pregnancy hormones. Oh...
"The baby..."
"How dare you! After everything you have done, it is all your fault!"
"Ada, calm down. Now it's not the time for an argument, I'm going to ask nicely, would you guys please get out?" Axel seemed so over it, and I didn't even notice he had blood all over his shirt until now. My mother left without any other word said, and the other guy followed her. She's had so many chances to put him in his place and she decides to do it now when I'm not physically or mentally capable of helping her.

I felt a warm hand over my cold ass hand, if it wasn't because of the very real pain I was feeling right now I'd had thought it was just a dream and I was actually dead.

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