Chapter 23- Should I?

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Axel's POV

"What the fuck did you just said?" I snapped.

Angel had just called, telling me some interesting facts about Amelia.

"She's been in there for a while now. I tried calling her but her phone goes to voice-mail and I don't know what to do. That guy left like maybe twenty minutes ago, but it didn't seem like they saw her. The only thing I can think of is that Joseph caught her and threw her into his dungeon or whatever."
"Dungeon?" What the hell, why can't I have a moment of peace in my life? Right, Amelia can't survive one day without getting herself into any type of issue.

"Joseph is crazy, but not that crazy." I still had my doubts on him being the one who "killed" Chloe.

I worked with him, before he retired, or well, before Amelia forced him to retire.

He's fearless, intimidating and, whatever else, but he didn't seemed like the type who would kill someone, specially someone he "loved". There was something else going on, I sensed it, something we weren't able to catch on.

"What do you know? People keep amusing me with the shit they come up with. But anyway, what should we do?" Oh I knew what we were going to do, in fact, I was already on my way to Joseph's house. Ever since Amelia got kidnapped, I've achieved the skill of walking straight to my car or any type of transportation method the moment I get a call about her.
"I'll be there in like five."

"Wait, you're just going to go and knock at the front door?" Angel said, putting a hand on shoulder and stopping me as I was about to ring the bell.

I rolled my eyes and pushed off his hand. "Yeah, what's Joseph gonna do to me? Spank my ass and throw me into his dungeon?" A scoff escaped my mouth. "You're too much of a scary cat to be a detective." I pressed the ring button and a maid opened the gates a few seconds after, just as I thought.

Amelia can say all she wants about her not fearing her father anymore or about her not caring what he thinks, but her actions and the way she talks about him, say otherwise. I am all about beating the shit out of him if he's really the one behind our recent misfortunes... however, if not, I'm going to have to bring  some sense to her.

"I can't believe she made me push her up a wall, instead of doing what you just did now, and I can't believe we walked all the way to the house instead of you just driving your car in here, this is like a ten minute walk, made exactly for cars to drive through, not for us to be walking, jeez." Listening to his nonsense had me rethink my decision to befriend him, he was just as annoying as Amelia. I must be the masochistic one, not Amelia.

"And I can't believe you can't keep your mouth shut for even one minute."
"You know you love me." I had to laugh, it was one of the best jokes I've heard in a while.
"Sure sure."

We got to the front door and one of the maids opened the door without us having to knock.
"Mr. Davidson, good to see you again." She said, she was old, but not that old, maybe in her thirties. It seemed as if she had seen me before, well, most likely she has, but I don't pay much attention to people, only when it's necessary.
"Good to see you too ma'am." However, I pretend, I am good at pretending. "It's Amelia here by any chance?" The lady moved out of the way and let us in.
"Yes indeed she is, she's talking with Mr. Joseph in the living area, you're very welcome to go join them." I glared at Angel, he scared me and made me come all the way here for no reason, she was clearly safe and sound.

I walked towards the living room and Angel followed beside me. "This is the nicest dungeon I've ever laid my eyes on." I mockingly said to Angel, and in response he rolled his eyes and shook his head.
"You never know--" I shushed him, I thought I heard Amelia yelling something.
"How do I know you're not lying?" I heard her yell, what happened now?
I stopped right as I got to the doorway leading to where her voice came from, didn't think it was the best time for me to step in.
"Why would I lie about this Amelia?" Joseph sounded offended, as if he was the most trustable person in the planet.
"Why would you not lie about this? I can tell you right now a million reasons why I shouldn't trust you." Yes, great answer Amelia.
"I have nothing else to lose, your mom has taken it all from me, you have to believe me, please." Wait up, back it up some, her mom? And did he just said the word "please"? Am I dreaming?

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