Chapter 34- Knocked Out

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Axel's POV

"Uh, Master, I think I did something stupid," Amelia said through the phone.

I stopped in my tracks and instinctively headed down to the parking lot. I knew something was wrong. She left work four hours earlier than she was supposed to. I don't even know why I let her leave. She hasn't been doing her job properly, and the people are going to start to notice.

"Something stupid? Like stupid crazy or stupid bad?" I had no peace with this woman.
"Well, mmm, both." Will I have to get her a babysitter?
"What did you do?" Maybe it wasn't that bad, and she was just exaggerating. She can be a bit overdramatic sometimes.
"Well, you see, remember Alex, the DEA agent?" Oh, God.

Of course, I remember him. My blood boils at the mention of his name.
"I do. Why?"
"Well, uh, I sorta knocked him out and tied him up in one of my hotel's rooms." She did what? What the hell is wrong with this woman?!


A few hours earlier...

Sometimes, I wonder if I should be angry at Amelia or her parents for raising her as they did. She was insane, more than insane, half of the time I don't know what was going on inside that little head of hers.

I had a fifteen-minute break before my next meeting, and my puppy--Angel-- decided to come visit me during it. We were in one of the extra offices of the building, one that I've frequently used as my office since I've lately spent most of my days here in Amelia's building than my own.

"Did she tell you why she felt anxious? I haven't gotten the chance to ask." It could be because I was more focused on punishing her than asking what was wrong. It wasn't the best choice, but my anger issues took control of me. How dare she talk to me in such a disrespectful manner? She refused my orders, and she refused to call me Master. She's lucky I have a tight schedule today, I was about to use my belt on her.

"Not necessarily, and I think the rumor going around didn't help at all."
"Tsk, rumor? It's the truth, I don't get why she doesn't own to it, it's not the end of the world." So what if a woman likes to be dominated? Everyone has their kinks.
"I think she's more worried about the alleged pictures than the rumor. That's the worst humiliation for a woman like her. If pictures leak, they might even get uploaded to porn sites. You don't want that, do you?" It makes sense, I for sure don't want any man having intimate pictures of my Amelia.
"Did you tell her who did it? And have you found that motherfucker?"
"I did tell her, she was so angry, you should've seen her, she looks cute when she's angry. Oh, and yeah, I found him, he was trying to get a meet-up with her today, but she declined." I wonder why his smart-ass comments about Amelia don't bother me anymore, it's like I'm finally immune to his foolishness.
"You're doing a great job." Ah, I suppose I no longer hate him. He's been more than helpful and we've been complete assholes to him. I realized this when Asher was taken to my mother's. Whenever Amelia or I, aren't able to visit our son, he goes and takes cute videos and pictures and sends them to us.
"Oookay, why are you being so nice all of a sudden?" I don't share my kindness with anyone lately, but he won the spot.
"You've been a good boy, that's all." He sneered and I chucked.
"Don't ever call me that again, you sicko." I feel like I should reward him, but money isn't enough. It has to be something he likes, but what? Oh.
"You still love Amelia don't you?" I'm going to admit it, at first I hated the idea of letting Amelia receive orders from another man, but now? I'm kind of enjoying it, and I know she's enjoying it too even though she tries to hide it.
"Of course I do, what kind of stupid question is that?" The balls this guy has... to admit he's in love with the wife of another man.

It might sound crazy, but I might keep this "punishment" unlimited. I will never share her in intimacy, but I think I could let some other stuff slide--that's if she's fine with it.

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