Saucepan Man

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"So.. Alice! How's your day been?"

Alice, Sweetpea, Pudding and Red had been trekking up the hill, following Pearwood drive. Pearwood drive was filled with steep sidewalks and odd turns, due to the uneven terrain. I guess that's what you get for building on such a weird hill.

"..My day? Today, you mean?" Alice asked Pudding.

"Yeah, today. Like, what did you have for breakfast, or something? What's some scrawny kid like you doing out alone at a time like this?"

Alice went quiet. "My day.. wasn't that nice," they mumbled.

"Oh. You don't haf'ta tell me about it if you don't want to,"

"Then I won't. It's.. personal,"

There was a pause. Sweetpea muttered something to Pudding in plantspeak.

"I already said I wouldn't push them on it, Pipsqueak! I'm not gonna ask about it! - No, I'm not gonna stop calling you Pipsqueak! You're the smallest full-grown repeater I've ever seen!-"

"Can you two stop bickering? Just- ugh," Alice cut both of them off in their frustration.

"Fine." Pudding nudged Sweetpea in the shoulder. He nudged her back. "So, what are we gonna talk about then?"

"I dunno." Alice shoved their hands in their pockets.

There was another bout of silence. Wind rustled the trees.

"..Who's your favorite superhero?" Alice asked, curiously.

"Superhero? Oh, I've never been a fan of superheroes." Pudding shrugged. "The only superhero thing I've ever watched is The Chosen Bun, but that's more ninjas than superheroes. -And the show is utter garbage,"

"Hey, Chosen Bun is good! Well, not that good, but it's not bad,"

"You've got no taste, honestly. What's your favorite superhero?"

"Oh, it's got to be Sunshine Girl." Alice stopped walking for a moment, digging Sunshine Girl #1 out of their bag. "On the outside, she's just a normal teenage sunflower, but she's secretly the protector of all Plant City!"

"Interesting," Pudding droned.

"It's not just that, she's also got a whole other team of plant heroes! There's Cerise, the cherry bomb girl, and there's The Chomp Queen, she's the chomper girl, and they're all part of a team and-"

Alice explained the plot of the Sunshine Girl comics as they walked, excitedly discussing their favorite scenes and characters, even mentioning the decline of the later comics; they understood that the series wasn't perfect, after all.

"Comic eight is supposed to be the finale, but it's been absolute trash so far," Alice muttered. "Chomp Queen is on the cover, but she isn't even in it! She's part of the main three and they got rid of her!"

"Damn! She was- like, the best one!" Pudding said. She was quite invested at this point, despite being bored when Alice first started talking.

"I know, right? Her character arc from comic seven wasn't even done yet! Comic eight is so frustrating, ugh,"

"Oh, right! So we never get to find out whether she broke free from the chains of her childhood and truly became herself?"

"Nope. It's so- just- argh!" Alice shoved the comic back into their bag and crossed their arms. They fidgeted, shaking their left wrist. "I'm not even halfway through Eight and I know that it sucks. It's a total disappointment,"

"Man, that's gotta suck, I- oof!-" Pudding walked into Red's leg, as she'd stopped in her tracks. "-Why'd you stop?- Oh. We're here, Alice,"

Alice stared at the large open gate before them. A large sign reading "BEWARE OF PLANTS" hung above them. Beyond the large lawn stood a massive, oddly shaped purple house. Strange jut-outs and a satellite or two hung from the roof. Aside from the average normalities of a lawn - some trees and bushes dotted around, here and there - there were dozens of odd little inventions scattered about. Certainly not an average abode.

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