An Unwanted Return

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"..I hope we aren't too late," said Alice.

They walked past Crazy Dave's car, which was parked at the base of the hill. Alice stood where they and their old friend once stood. They stared up at the zombie base at the top of the hill, a sense of foreboding hanging over their head. Smoke was still steadily chugging out of dozens of massive pipes hitched to the roof. There was no sign of anyone; human, plant, or zombie.

"..Let's not expect the worst," said Alice. "The worst isn't that good." Sweetpea averted his eyes.

"Markus, I'm doing this for you," Alice said to nobody. They hesitated. There was a pause. "Peter said the broken window was in the back, right?" Sweetpea nodded. 

They wandered around the side of the building, staring up as the sky was clouded in smoke. They hurried as the sky got darker and darker, lowering their vision.

"You doing okay, Sweetpea?" Alice asked. Sweetpea nodded. He hugged their head gently and leaned against it. "I love you too, Sweetpea,"

Eventually, they made it to the back of the building. Their eyes scanned every window, checking for the broken one. They spotted the smashed window and quickly approached it, gently placing Sweetpea inside. Carefully, they climbed through the broken window, avoiding the sharp glass at the edges. The zombie base smelled of decay, and the musty air filled Alice's lungs with each breath they took. The chill in the air had Alice regretting wearing a skirt.

The room was similar to how Peter had described it. A large chalk board with some crude drawings on it stood by the wall. Disregarding the room entirely, Alice picked up Sweetpea before exiting through the only door.

They were left in a large, empty hallway, with two directions to head in. Not knowing where to head, Alice chose to go right, treading quietly as to not draw any attention to themself. Along with the building itself being quite cold, the majority of the hallway walls were painted in cool greens and blues. Paintings of presumably Dr. Zomboss covered the walls.

"Jeez, that dude's ugly," Alice muttered.

While wandering the halls, Alice noted how.. Empty they were. They expected more zombies, not silence. They almost laughed when they saw a singular zombie standing around a corner a few meters away.

"..There's only one?" Alice mumbled.

The zombie stared at Alice for a moment or two. It groaned, looking off to the side while pointing at Alice. Almost immediately, more zombies shambled around the corner, all staring at them.

"..Shit. Spoke too soon."

The horde surged with a roar of "BRAINZ!" as they chased Alice down the hall. They dashed through the winding hallways with Sweetpea shooting over their shoulder. As they panted and panicked, they ran through the closest door they could find.

They slammed the door shut and threw the bar over it, shutting out the zombies. With no thought of securing it further, they ran down the steps and through a hall for any semblance of an escape.

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