New Friends

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"Jeez, Snowcone! You disappear for a day, and when you come back you've got two sweaty teenage boys with you! I didn't think the grandma look was so popular!" said Pudding.

Pudding was the one two answer the door once Alice had returned with Ragz and Mink.

"-A plant who speaks English?" Mink bewildered. "Odd, very odd!"

"I can hear you, Greenie. Maybe you should shut your big mouth and remember that others can hear you,"

Mink was quite taken aback by her statement. "Well, that was very impolite," he stated.

Pudding glared up at him. Ms. Marie caught her eye. "-Hey, Red! We've got a new plant on the premises!"

"Oh? Who is this 'Red'?"

Mink's question was soon answered by Red - the legged pumpkin herself - approaching from the kitchen. She held two marigolds in her top. She looked down at Pudding and muttered something in plantspeak. For once, Pudding replied in the plant language. As they conversed, Mink interrupted - in plantspeak as well. It took a few moments for Pudding to notice Mink's words.

"..Wait, you.." she looked at him, then at her leaves, then to Red, then back at Mink. "Since fucking when can humans understand plantspeak??"
"I- in fact- taught myself the language when I was a boy! Ms. Marie the Magnificent was my only friend, thus I taught myself to speak with her!"

"That's so fucking weird and also.. Really cool? You're okay, Greenie,"

Mink grinned back at Alice and Ragz upon hearing her words. "-Would you like to meet Ms. Marie the Magnificent?" he asked, taking her off of his head and holding her closer to Pudding and Red's level. Red examined Ms. Marie for a moment, then bumped into Mink's hand- causing Ms. Marie to fall into her top.

"No, no! She is not yours!" Mink cried, but Red had already dashed away with Ms. Marie in tow.

"Sorry man, she's hers now. Tough luck getting any plant back from Red once she's taken a liking to them," said Pudding. "She's been viciously protective of those two marigolds for as long as I've known her... It's like she's their mom or something,"


"Well, all I have left to do now is tell Dave about your new boyfriends, Snowcone." Pudding took a deep breath. "DAAAAVE! YOU HAVE EVEN MORE VISITORS!" she yelled. Alice winced and covered their ears.

Crazy Dave emerged from the garage, waving at Alice and their new friends. "Oh, howdy neighbors!" he said. "Who're these two?"

"These are Alice's new friends, Wild Child n' Princess. -And they're both lame, by the way," Pudding explained.

"Hey, don't say that," said Alice.

"Am I wrong?"

Alice crossed their arms and huffed while Pudding shrugged. "Okay, you kids go do whatever, I'm gonna go light something on fire or something,"

With that, Pudding left.

"Well.. 're you two staying too?" Crazy Dave asked.

"I don't have anywhere else, so sure!" said Ragz.

"I am in a similar situation," said Mink.

Crazy Dave smiled. "'Hope this is a nice home for you, Wild Child and Princess! Have a nice afternoon, I've got to work on my rubber duck chorus!" he disappeared back into his garage.

"Goodbye, Alice and Ragz," said Mink. "I am going to look around.. I will see you later, most likely,"

Alice and Ragz were left alone in the entryway.

"..Do you wanna see my room?" asked Alice.

"Alright, not like I've got anything better to do," said Ragz.

The two sat up in the guest room which Alice had taken as their own. Ragz marvelled at the sight of it all, and- after examining every nook and cranny, finally sat down next to Alice, who was digging around in their bag.

"You've lived under a rock for your entire life, so you probably haven't heard of it, but do you wanna see my Sunshine Girl comics?" Alice asked.

"Uh.. sure?" Ragz said.

Alice took out Sunshine Girl #1 and showed it to him. "Here it is!" They opened the first page. "I can't believe the whole series started from this one page.."

Ragz looked down at the pages, then back up at Alice. "..I can't read,"

They blinked. "Oh. Well.. I can read it to you, if you'd like,"

"Sure! I've never had a story read to me before,"

Alice quietly read Sunshine Girl #1 to Ragz, pointing out their favorite parts as they read. Ragz seemed much more interested in the pictures.

"-That's the Chomp Queen, she's my favorite!" said Alice. "I really relate to her, she's even trans like me!"


"Oh, trans is like nonbinary but you identify as the other gender instead of something in between,"

"Huh. I guess that makes sense," Ragz paused. "I'm still thinking about being a demiboy. Like.. what if I'm not really one?"

"Then who cares? It always takes forever to figure yourself out, don't worry. It's normal,"

Ragz stared down at his hands. "..Alright. I hope I figure this stuff out soon,"

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