What happens when you don't respect the dead

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Peter dashed through the mall, avoiding hypnotized zombies at every corner, with Alice following closely behind him. They were astounded at the sheer number of hypnotized zombies. While they expected zombies, they didn't expect that many.

Out of breath and trembling, the pair rushed through the mall's food court, dodging around tables and chairs to make it through to the other side.

"How are we g-going to get back to the exit? It's- it's all the way back where we started!" Peter stammered.

"The Wall-Nut Mart has an exit in it, we-" Alice paused to catch their breath. "-we should head there!"

"G-Good idea!"

Once they'd made it out of the food court, they rushed to the Wall-nut mart, hiding within the aisles from the horde to catch their breath. To their surprise, Ragz, Mink and Sweetpea approached them.

"Oh, hi Alice. Hi Peter," said Ragz. "You're just the guys we were looking for!"

"-Thank god; I'm glad to see you two, I- wait, how did you get here before us?" Peter panted.

"There was a very short route here, in fact! We simply came here because we knew you were looking for a vacuum," said Mink.

"We just wanna ask which one of these jackets to get you." Ragz held up a few jackets featuring LGBT flags. "Mink n' I were gonna keep them a surprise, but we didn't know whether you liked guys or girls!"

Peter immediately furrowed his brow at Ragz. "You mean - I've been running around for my life - and you two can only think about matching jackets??" He looked as if he were about to scream, but kept himself quiet. "Okay, okay okay okay, I'm okay, this is okay,"

"Well? Do you like guys or girls?"

"I don't like anybody. No one,"

Ragz blinked. He looked at Mink. "Shit, what do we do?"

"Simple, he is asexual," Mink replied. "That is the jacket with the grey and purple stripes,"

"Oh, okay,"

Peter pushed past the two, and Alice apologized to them as they followed him. Ragz and Mink followed along aswell, seemingly satisfied with the four matching jackets they'd acquired.

"We found your stupid vacuum, by the way," said Ragz. Peter glanced back to see Ragz dragging along the large vacuum he'd found. "That's all you wanted here, right?"

"Yes. Thank you. Now.. I just have to get out of here alive,"

"Alive? Peter, what has happened?" asked Mink.

"-ZZZEARCH THE STORE! HE CANNOT HIDE FROM ALL OF UZZZ!" Quinn's shouts echoed around the Wall-Nut Mart.

"Oh. That is not good,"

After a few quick glances between each other, everyone turned to Peter. Peter, panicking, ran off down another aisle. Following him, Alice rounded the same corner - only to see that Peter had completely vanished within the aisle of wardrobes.

"Peter?" said Alice.

Mink walked up behind them, just as confused as they were. "Odd.." he mumbled.

A group of hypnotized zombies passed by the two, going around them to stumble past the aisle. "..Weird. Y'know, those zombies must be really petty if they're going to these lengths to get one dude," Alice said.

"Odd. Very odd," said Mink.

One of the wardrobes creaked open, and Peter stepped out. "..They're gone, right?" he whispered.

"Yes, you're good," Alice whispered back.

"Woo! Zombies just got fooled!" said Ragz as he entered the aisle. Peter glared at him as his face paled.

"If I don't die here, I'm killing you!" Peter shouted at Ragz before taking off in the opposite direction. Alice followed shortly behind him, checking behind them every few paces. Their breathing was ragged from all the running they'd done that afternoon, and the hypnotized zombie horde certainly didn't help.

"Just- just run, Peter!" Alice yelled after him. Staring down the hypnotized crowd, Alice knocked over a large display, causing a few to stumble over it, halting the horde. They pumped their fist before rushing to catch up with Peter. The exit doors were within their grasp.

The two ran outside and into the bright sunlight, making a break for the car in the empty parking lot. Alice glanced back to see the hypnotized zombies shying away from the light, covering their eyes and holding their heads as if they had migraines.

"Oh dear lord, that was stressful," Peter panted once he and Alice had made it into the car. As he caught his breath, he looked at Alice in the passenger seat and sighed. "..You have permission to say 'I told you so,' Alice,"

"Hah.. I told you so." Alice grinned.

A smile tugged at the corners of Peter's lips. "Thank you for helping me, Alice. I.. I haven't been here much, and I didn't know about the exit in the Wall-Nut Mart.. thank you for telling me,"

"It's fine, man! Thanks for thanking me. Most people assume I'm an idiot when they see me. Well, they're not wrong, but still,"


Alice and Peter waited in the car in silence until Ragz and Mink eventually showed up. While most of what they'd purchased was clothes, they'd also found Peter's vacuum, which he was satisfied with. Once everyone was buckled in, Peter started the car and drove out of the parking lot.

"..Let's not come here again any time soon, okay?" said Peter.

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