Final Plans

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Once the group had returned, Peter disappeared into Crazy Dave's garage with the vacuum to construct their invention, while Alice, Ragz and Mink waited in the kitchen. Ms. Marie and Sweetpea were with the rest of the plants, so it was merely the three teens.

"..If we're gonna stop Zomboss, you two have to stop being so shitty to each other," said Alice.

Ragz and Mink sat in a tense silence, glaring at one another. Alice sighed and put a hand on each of their shoulders.

"-I don't know what it is you two have against each other, but you've got to cut it out. You've known each other for like three days, and you hate each other! I don't get it!"

"Maybe Mink should stop being a prick, then," said Ragz.

"Nein! I am not! You are the prick!" Mink retorted.

"Oh yeah?-"

"This is exactly what I mean!" Alice interrupted, slamming their hands onto the table. "All you do is yell at each other and I am tired of it! If you two let your stupid rivalry get in the way of stopping Zomboss, I am going to go absolutely fucking insane!"

Ragz and Mink were stunned into silence. They glanced at each other.

Alice held their temples."Just.. be nice to each other for one fucking day. Tomorrow. Then you can be shitheads again. Can you do that for me? -Please?"

Neither of them responded. There was a long silence.

"Wabby wabbo! Kids, Lemonade n' I have got a plan!" said Crazy Dave as he entered the kitchen. He was followed by Peter, who was holding a large clip board.

"I believe this may actually work, if we're optimistic," said Peter. He remained standing as Crazy Dave sat down. He held up his clip board full of unintelligible jargon, but it must've made sense to him. "-Okay, is everyone listening?"

"..Yep!" said Ragz.

Peter was more excited than Alice had ever seen him. "Alright! I'll try and explain this as simply as possible. Ragz, you'll be our distraction,"

"I've been told that I'm very distracting!" said Ragz. "-And annoying. And a pain in the ass. And-"

"We get the point. Alice, you'll be joining Ragz. Both of you will act as zombies, but try and stay out of sight. Dr. Zomboss is smarter than your average browncoat, remember,"


"Just try and knock over something important, or something, to distract Dr. Zomboss long enough for me to take my shot-"

Peter explained his plans for the group. He clearly had put much thought into the plan - including his planned killing of Dr. Zomboss himself.

"-And once all that's dealt with, Alice will run up and deactivate the machine! -Or just punch it a lot and try to break it. Whichever is quicker,"

"Awesome!" Alice replied.

"Okay, everyone knows what they're doing, correct?"

"-Me n' Alice do the distraction, Mink's gonna lead Red n' stuff, Dave's gonna tote around the machine thingy, and you're gonna kill Zomboss..?" said Ragz.

"Finally, for once you understand something! Yes that's correct, Ragz,"

"N' I'm coming too cause I feel like it!" said Pudding. Peter groaned, but didn't retort.

"We set out tomorrow afternoon. It's our last chance,"

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