Zombie Hunter

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"Where are we going, again?" asked Ragz.

"Back to Crazy Dave's house. He's a really cool guy, I swear. He's letting me stay cause I've got nowhere else to go," Alice explained.

"Ohhh. Cool! This guy sounds neat,"

Alice, Ragz and Sweetpea were making their way out of Weirding Woods, and Ragz was marvelling at the simplest of suburban things. Alice was a bit more lost than they'd like to admit, but they trekked onwards anyway, determined to find their way back.

As they crossed the bridge, Ragz walked by the side, not even holding onto the railing as he marvelled at the rushing water. They were nearly at the end when Alice started to get worried for his balance.

"Hey, be careful!" said Alice.

Ragz continued walking by the edge. "What's wrong? I'll be fine, man!"

"-There's a river, you idiot!" Alice shouted. "You're gonna fall in!"

"Really? Check this out, man!" Ragz hopped off the bridge. Alice gasped and ran over, spotting Ragz standing safely on the riverbank. He had a stupid grin on his face. "See?"

Alice sighed. "Never do that shit ever again,"

"I won't! That was terrifying,"

They hopped off the bridge and landed next to him, then turned back to it to catch Sweetpea as he followed.

"Hey, check that out!" said Ragz. He pointed towards an orange tent placed by the riverside, just far enough away so the water couldn't splash near it. Alice and Ragz looked at eachother, shrugged, then decided to approach it. The gravel crunched and crackled beneath their feet.

In a flash of movement, a figure emerged from the tent.

"Woah- hey there-"

"Stay where you are," said the figure.

He had quite an odd appearance, even disregarding the green face paint covering his tawny brown skin. He looked quite formal, with a yellow tie tucked into his grey sweater vest, covered by his unbuttoned brown cardigan. His hickory brown hair was dyed yellow at his messy bangs. Oh yeah, and he had a crossbow aimed at both of them.

"Don't move an inch." the boy held his crossbow steady. His dark brown eyes seemed to pierce through Alice's skull and directly into their soul. "You two aren't getting my supplies," he said.

Alice clutched Sweetpea to their chest. They glanced silently at Ragz, who had his hands up in surrender.

"Hey, hey! We're not bad!" he said. "What's wrong with you?"

"I know what you two are up to. You think you can get my pity - and my supplies - just for being kids? I know everyone's tricks. You two are very lucky that you're young," the boy said sternly.

"We don't want your stuff, sir! We - I just thought you needed help!" Alice lied.

The boy raised an eyebrow. "Help? You think I need help?"

"Well.. you're all alone and stuff,"

"I do not want or need your help, you two." the boy lowered his crossbow. "Bugger off. I'm perfectly capable of fending for myself,"

Once the boy had his crossbow down, Alice took the chance to set down Sweetpea. "Don't shoot him, please," Alice said. Ragz slowly lowered his arms and glanced at Alice. They shrugged at him before diverting their gaze back to the crossbow boy.

"What are you doing here alone, anyway?" Alice asked.

"I'm an independent zombie hunter. I'm defending this neighborhood, one headshot at a time." his line sounded quite rehearsed.

"..What's with the green makeup?" Ragz asked.


"I said, what's with the green makeup?" he repeated.

"Oh. Zombies aren't very smart. They think I'm one of them, as long as I somewhat act the part,"


The boy sighed. "Yes, really. Do not ask me how I found this out. Now, can you two please leave? I was in the middle of reading a lovely book, when you two rudely dropped in,"

"Yeah, yeah, fine. Come on, Alice." Ragz moved to leave.

"-Wait, before we go- have you seen a black guy with an afro in a camo hoodie, Crossbow Boy? He's my brother, and I'm trying to find him,"

The crossbow boy shook his head. "I haven't seen him. Please refer to me as Peter, rather than Crossbow Boy,"

"..Got it, I guess. Bye, then,"

"Good riddance,"

Alice and Ragz decided to head home after that escapade.

"That guy was so fucken' weird," said Ragz. "What on earth was 'e on about?"

"I've got no clue, man. He's.. like, I bet he thinks he's being all cool, but he's really just some guy who threatened two twelve year olds with a crossbow cause they went near him,"

"Yeah. That's loser behavior,"

"Definitely loser behavior,"

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