Diary, Page 1

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- Friday, May 29th, 2022. Alice was here.

This diary, and all my future adventures to come, are dedicated to my family.

My mother, Beth Macro, 1978 - 2022

My sister, Stella Macro, 2005 - 2022

My brother, Markus Macro, 2007 - 2022

Hi, it's me again. Well, not really me, cause this is a new diary. A lot's changed since I wrote a journal entry. Like.. a super big lot.

Most importantly - Zomboss is gone! At least, I think so. I'm still not sure whether zombies can really die or not, but.. Oh well. Who cares. At least he's gone for now! That's something, right? I can't believe it's been over a week already.

I think Peter's here to stay, cause he hasn't gone back to the river like he said he would. He's still living in his tent, but I'm sure he'll stop being weird and take the room that Crazy Dave's offered him a couple times now. Peter's still kind of weird, but he's slowly opening up. Good for him, he must've been lonely before meeting us.

Ragz and Mink have been less awful to each other, especially since beating Zomboss and stuff. They're like - best friends now, or something! I guess it just took some horribly traumatic events to get them to put aside their differences. I guess that's what brought all of us together, right?

Speaking of all of us, Crazy Dave and Pudding have been good too. Pudding's still kinda mean, and Dave obviously is still crazy n' stuff, but at least they're both okay. I'm so glad that everyone's okay.

Everything is gonna be okay. I hope.

Good Night.

P.S. Dave fixed Markus' old polaroid camera! I was originally just gonna keep it as a memory of him, but I decided to take a picture of everyone with it. It's not the best, but I thought it was funny.

 It's not the best, but I thought it was funny

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Okay, Good Night for real this time.

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