The Fresh Prince of Neighborville

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"Hey, do you hear that?" asked Ragz.

"Hear what?" Alice replied.

"Like.. that weird noise." he put a hand to his ear and stretched his neck to hear better. Alice did the same, and - in the farthest reaches of their hearing - they could make out what sounded like.. music?

"..Yeah, I kinda hear it now," said Alice. The music slowly grew louder as they approached the park. Ragz wandered off the sidewalk and into the park once they'd reached the entrance, and Alice followed him.

The park was remarkably zombie-free.. Or, anything-free to be specific. In fact, the only notable living thing in the entire park appeared to be an unfamiliar figure sitting on a bench in the distance.

"Hey.. there's a guy," said Alice.

"Yeah, I know. The sound's comin' like- right from 'im! I know it!" Ragz replied, breaking into a run towards the unidentified human.

Upon further inspection, the person they were approaching appeared to be a pinkish-skinned teenage boy with seafoam green hair and a bright white hoodie. He was quite stocky, and didn't seem to notice them - headbopping along to the music he was listening to on his red-cased cellphone. A wide-eyed garlic with a tiny plastic crown sat upon his head.

"Hey! Guy! What's with the music?" asked Ragz, seemingly out of nowhere. The green-haired boy's eyes snapped open and he frowned at the two.

"What? Oh, hello," said the boy. He had a thick german accent, making his words a bit hard to understand. "Who are you?" he asked.

"..I'm Alice?" said Alice. "This is my friend-"

"It is nice to meet you, Alice! I am called Mink Young, and I am from Germany," said the green haired boy. He stood up and took his crown-wearing garlic off of his head. "-And this is Ms. Marie the Magnificent, my truest friend and companion,"

"..Well, you talk a lot. I'm Ragz," said Ragz.

"You talk very loudly," said Mink. "Be more quiet,"

Ragz furrowed his brow. "..Okay, not even a 'nice to meet you'?"

"I would rather not greet a boy who is yelling in my face," Mink sneered.

Ragz frowned, but Alice quickly jumped in to halt the tension. "-Mink, how long have you been here? It's dangerous to be outside alone, especially without an attacking plant,"

"Oh, Ms. Marie the Magnificent may not be an attacking plant, but she is certainly not useless! She deters any zombie who may approach! She is useful, very useful!" Mink cuddled Ms. Marie to his face. "She is also incredibly cute. Are you not, Ms. Marie?"

Ms. Marie said something in plantspeak, and Mink replied back to her.. In plantspeak. "She understands that she is adorable, she says! Impressive that I can understand plants, no?" Mink gave a proud smirk.

"Yeah, and I can talk to zombies. What about it?" said Ragz.

"..Zombies?" said Mink.

"Yeah, they don't just say brains, you know. They've got like.. A language to it. -Which I know,"

"..Your attempt to one-up me is very sad." Mink gave a fake pout. "You cannot talk to zombies. It is impossible!"

Ragz's face went red. "I was fucken' raised by 'em, you'd think that I could understand them!"

There was a pause.

"You were.. Raised by zombies?" asked Alice.

Ragz took in a sharp breath. "Yeah, who cares? Three of 'em. Had a mom and two dads. They all loved me, and they're all gone. Disappeared. That's why I was all alone. Happy?" he ranted. "Bet fancy plant talker over here isn't,"

Mink stared at Ragz in a shocked silence. He cleared his throat and placed Ms. Marie back on his head. "A human boy, raised by zombies... odd. Very odd!" he said. "Explain, now, why did they not eat you?"

"Cause not all zombies are fucking dicks, that's why. I call the man eating zombies bad guys for a reason,"

After no response from Mink, Ragz huffed and shoved his hands in his pockets. "We should go, Alice. I don't wanna deal with this dude anymore,"

"..About that.. I don't really know the way back from here," Alice admitted. "We're lost,"

"I have a GPS on my phone, if you would like my assistance!" said Mink, holding up his cellphone. Alice and Ragz stared at one another, and Alice sighed.

"Thank you, Mink," said Alice. Ragz rolled his eyes. "-Uh, his address is Number 13 Cherrywood Lane," Alice added.

"Ja.. there! Now, we must walk! I hope you do not mind if I join you to your destination, Ms. Marie and I have not had human contact in a very long time. It is nice to have a human friend!"


"Good! Come along, Alice and Ragz!"

Mink saunted out of the park, with Alice and Ragz following shortly behind him. As they walked, Alice swore they could hear odd footsteps somewhere nearby, but brushed it off.

"..Do you hear that?" asked Ragz, again.

"The footsteps?" asked Alice.

"No, not- wait, you hear footsteps?-"

They were cut off by Mink's high pitched scream. Immediately, their attention was brought away from their conversation - and to the All-Star zombie mere feet ahead of them.

The All-Star charged at them. "YIKES! FUCK OFF, YOU- OW!" Ragz yanked his hand back in pain after attempting to punch the All-Star through it's metal helmet. Alice dashed to the side to avoid being hit, and lifted up Sweetpea to shoot at it's head. However, the peas merely bounced off the heavy metal helmet; only angering the All-Star further. It turned it's sights on Alice, approaching them with a shout of "Brainz!"

Before Alice could scream, an arrow shot through the All Star's back, getting stuck halfway through it's torso. The All Star - as well as Alice - glanced behind him, spotting Peter, who was already reloading his crossbow. Before the All Star had time to react, Peter had shot it through it's face, causing Alice to dodge out of the way before it fell on them.

"Be more careful," Peter stated stoically. "All Stars are dangerous business. I'd know,"

"..Thank you?" Alice mumbled.

"You're welcome. You three get somewhere safe; I don't want to have to run all the way back just to save you again,"

"Hey..wait, how did you hear us from the bridge anyway?"

Peter sighed. "Your ears get used to picking up the smallest noises once any unusual sound can mean an attack's approaching. Just.. just go. Have a nice afternoon." With that, Peter turned on a dime and walked away, heading in the direction of the bridge.

Alice, Ragz, and Mink all stared at each other for a moment. They decided to listen to Peter, immediately returning to the path home.

"Huh. 'Didn't think we'd see him again," said Ragz.

"Well.. I guess we did. Good thing, too, that football zombie almost got me!" said Alice.

"That odd Peter person.. I have seen him as well. He does not usually talk to me, but I have seen him defeat zombies in the past. He is quite alluring!" said Mink.

"..Alluring? What does that mean?" asked Ragz.

"Mysterious, or beautiful. He is very much both,"

Alice and Ragz glanced at each other. They both shrugged.

"Well, let us continue following the GPS then, shall we?" suggested Mink.

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