The End of It All.

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"You didn't really believe it'd be that easy, did you?" asked Dr. Zomboss. "You fools are-"

"Hey! Skip the monologue and fight us already!" Alice shouted. "We don't need to listen to you ramble about how evil you are!"

Dr. Zomboss scoffed and lowered his leg from the railing. "Fine. So be it. I was going to be nice and give you time to realize your imminent doom, but nevermind,"

There was an awkward pause.

"..Can I monologue a little bit? I had an entire one planned and everything," Zomboss said to break the silence.

There was another pause. "Fine," said Alice. "But make it quick!"

"-Well! Now, without any interruptions, I can say that you fools are far too late!" Dr. Zomboss cackled to himself. "My Smoke-ifier has already been activated, and will have the sun completely blocked from Neighborville in mere hours! The city's being doomed as we speak!"


"And, there's nothing any of you can do to stop it. Considering you are all going to die and then join my army. Make sense?"

"Is this gonna be on the test?" asked Ragz.

"What? No! I- ugh, just- Zombies, attack!"

Two metal sheets in the wall slid up, revealing two large doorways for a horde of zombies to stream through. Crazy Dave was the first to commit to action, removing his pot from his head and whacking a zombie in the head with it.

A wild time was guaranteed.

"Sweetpea, fire!" Alice shouted, holding him steady as the horde of zombies approached. As Sweetpea shot at the zombies, Alice noticed a set of stairs leading up to the platform of which Dr. Zomboss stood upon. They were about to run towards it, when-

"YAHHH!" Ragz yelled. Alice glanced to the side, just in time to see Ragz punching some zombies' faces in. He was drawing much attention to himself, with his constant screaming, so it was a relief when Mink ordered Red to rush in and give him backup.

"Get their asses! Get all their asses! Don't stop until there isn't a single ass in this building that hasn't been gotten!" Pudding shouted. She threw out insults to each of the zombies Red stomped, and faked punching motions. She appeared to be having fun.

"Sweetpea, shoot the ones closest to us! I've got to make it up those stairs!" Alice ordered. Sweetpea saluted and obliged, shooting any zombie that came near them. As Alice ran towards the stairs, they dipped and weaved between approaching zombie's bites and swipes. Sweetpea, while distracted by shooting other surrounding zombies, didn't notice the one directly ahead of him and Alice; though, almost immediately, an arrow shot into the zombie's head, knocking it away from them. Alice glanced up - spying Peter reloading his crossbow on a high up balcony. He nodded to acknowledge them, then took another shot.

Alice ran up the stairs to the balcony where Dr. Zomboss stood. Distracted with his own maniacal laughter, he - at first - didn't notice Alice dash past him. They set down Sweetpea and started messing with the controls.

After a moment, Dr. Zomboss noticed Alice at the control panel. "Hey, you! Get your filthy hands off of my machine this instant!" he shouted.

Alice glanced away from their button mashing to see Dr. Zomboss quickly stomping towards them. Sweetpea was already at their side, shooting at him.

"Agh! Control that pest of yours, would you?" Zomboss booted Sweetpea away. Sweetpea crumpled on the floor a foot or two away.

"Sweetpea!" Alice shouted. Turning their attention to Dr. Zomboss, they clenched their hands into fists as they scowled. "Okay, I've had e-fucking-nough of you." they stepped away from the control panel. "Nobody hurts my fucking Sweetpea and gets away with it!"

Alice ran at Dr. Zomboss and socked him in the jaw, knocking him away from Sweetpea. He swatted at them and lunged forward, trying to bite their arm, but they ducked back and punched at his torso, causing him to double over. With their foe temporarily stunned, Alice ran over to check up on Sweetpea.

"Are you okay?" they said, shaking their friend. Sweetpea glanced up at them and nodded. He was a bit frazzled, but otherwise fine. "Can you deal with Zomboss for me? I've got a machine to shut down!"

With Sweetpea back in the game, Alice rushed back to the machine and messed around with settings. "Oh, fuck it!" they shouted, slamming their fists into the controls. They swung and swung, trying their hardest to break the machine.

Sparks flew, and Alice ducked away as the machine started malfunctioning. The massive tubes went clear as smoke stopped entering them. Alice grabbed Sweetpea and jumped the railing down to the floor to rejoin their friends. With Sweetpea's added help, the few remaining zombies on the floor were quickly dispatched, leaving Dr. Zomboss alone on the balcony.

"No, no!" Dr. Zomboss cried, staring at his malfunctioning machine. He messed with the controls, but to no avail. The smoke had stopped coming. "No no no!" Dr. Zomboss stamped his feet, then stomped down the stairs. He walked past his zombie's corpses, aswell as the other humans, to confront Alice.

"You! You- I can't believe this! Every time I make one of these plans, some teenager ends up stopping it! I won't let this happen again, you-"

"Uh.. you might wanna look behind you, man," said Alice.


"Boom!!" Ragz shouted, punching Dr. Zomboss in the back of the head with a loud thwack. The zombie fell to the floor, dazed and clearly out of it. Ragz stared at his body, almost disappointed. "Aw, his head didn't come off,"

"Were you..trying to murder him?"

Ragz paused. "..Yeah," he mumbled.

"Well.. you might've, but I dunno. Can zombies really die?- Cause they're like, dead n' stuff?"

"Hey, don't ask me!"

As most of the group turned to leave, Alice stared down at Dr. Zomboss's body on the floor.

Pudding ran back to slap his head.

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