Pop Smart Heaven

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The plain brick walls were an odd change of pace from the cooler hues of the main floors. The halls were long and narrow, with no doors along the sides; only empty barred cells. Prison-like, Alice thought. The halls continued on similarly, winding around in endless bends, but never any forks. One long hall. -That is, until they reached a large empty room. To their right was a large hole smashed in the wall, and to their left was a final prison cell.

"That ought to be our way out of this mess," Alice whispered to Sweetpea, pointing at the smashed wall. Just as they were to approach it, they heard a voice from their left.

"-ALICE! YOU'RE HERE!" shouted Ragz. Alice whipped around to see Ragz and Mink held in the final prison cell.

"Ragz! Mink!" said Alice "I'm so glad you're okay!" They rushed up to the barred cell, grinning as they saw their two friends within.

"Oh my god, I thought we were toast! Come on, get us out of here, Alice!"

Alice glanced to the side, spotting a set of keys hung next to the cell. They retrieved them and unlocked the cell, freeing their friends. Immediately, Ragz ran up and hugged them, nearly squeezing the life out of them.

"Okay, okay, calm down, man!" said Alice. "Chill out!"

Once Ragz let go, Alice turned their attention to Mink, still sitting in the cell. Mink retrieved Ms. Marie from his jean pocket. He held her to his cheek and soothed her in German.

"He had to hide Marie in his pocket so she wouldn't get taken away." said Ragz, seeing Alice watching them. "Poor Marie," he added.

"Hey, Mink!" said Alice to get his attention.

"Eh? Oh, Alice! I thought you are looking for your brother?" said Mink.

"..Yeah, that didn't work out." There was a pause. They glanced around the cell. "Where's Peter?" they asked.

"-That is a problem. We do not know where Peter is." Mink placed Ms. Marie back in her spot atop his head.

"Yeah, we both got stolen before he could take his shot, now we dunno where he is," said Ragz.

Alice fidgeted. "Wait, Mink. Crazy Dave and Pudding were with you.. where are they now?"

"Oh.. Crazy Dave," said Ragz. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Well... Apparently Crazy Dave was a special case for Zomboss or whatever, and.. they're gonna eat him first,"

"..Shit. And.. what happened to Pudding?"

"We've got no clue. It's like she just disappeared or something!"

"That can't be good,"

They stood in silence for a few moments. Sweetpea hopped off of Alice's shoulder and walked up to Mink. The two conversed in plantspeak, ending with Mink standing up and saying, "Sweetpea says that there are many zombies approaching. Is this true?"

Alice swallowed. "..Yep, forgot about that,"

"We need to get out, then! Ms. Marie the Magnificent cannot deter many zombies!" Mink started to head towards the hall, but Alice stopped him.

"There's no exits that way. I think our best bet is that big hole in the wall." they pointed at the smashed-through wall. "Come on." they approached the hole in the wall, peeking within.. Revealing it to be a tunnel! "Hey, check this out!"

Ragz and Mink looked into the tunnel, both stepping in alongside Alice. "Ooh! Perhaps there is an exit!" said Mink.

Alice turned around within the tunnel, spotting two signs with arrows. "SECRET POP SMART STASH" and "TO THE SCHOOL", they read.

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