Respect the Dead

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Alice glanced up from the clothes rack, seeing Peter still leaning grumpily against the entrance to the Oddity. He had his crossbow in his hands, looking around vigilantly for any potential danger.

"Yellow would not look good on you, Ragz," said Mink. Alice turned back, to see Ragz and Mink looking at some graphic T-shirts.

"Really? I'd like to see you pull off yellow, Brussels Sprouts," Ragz retorted.

"I look good in yellow! I can look better in yellow than you!"

"Prove it, you little-"

Alice pushed in between them. "Girls, girls, you're both pretty. Can you stop arguing?"

Ragz and Mink looked at eachother, then back at them. "No," said Mink.

Alice face-palmed as a reply before they sauntered off to look for something for themself. They wandered into the emo/goth-style section, looking for something dark to add to their wardrobe. The majority of the clothing options were too large for them, though they did find a sleeveless, A-line black dress in their size. Satisfied with their find, they exited the section. Not wanting to listen to Ragz and Mink argue again, they decided to walk up to Peter.

"Hey, Peter," said Alice. "You okay?"

"No, of course not! This was intended to be a quick excursion, but all you want to do is waste time!" Peter complained. "You only came with me to protect me, and - you don't even have your plant with you! Where on earth is Sweetpea?"

"Oh, he's with Ragz n' Mink. He's talking with Ms. Marie, I think,"

"Understandable. Did you ever have any plants aside from him?"

"Nope. He must be happy to have other plants to talk to,"

"He reminds me of an old plant of mine.. A Plantern, named Thomas Edison. He was lovely, but.. He sadly passed over the course of the invasion." Peter looked at the floor. "..I miss him,"

"Oh, that's-

"Hello, friendz..!" said a voice from behind them. Alice, startled, slowly turned around to see who it was- spotting a purple-haired zombie - still with a mushroom backpack - where they expected a human to stand.

"NOPE!-" Peter must have turned faster, because he immediately fired at the zombie, sending an arrow directly into it's forehead, narrowly missing it's left eye.

It looked up at the arrow sticking out of it's forehead. "Well, that waz very rude, zir." it yanked it out, seemingly not even noticing the pain it should be in.

"..First a speaking marigold, now this?" Peter said, bewildered.

"You shot me," said the zombie. It wiped away the blood on it's forehead. "Do you have no rezzz-pect for the undead?"

"..I'm sorry, I thought you were going to kill us,"

"I'll get to that later. For now, let me introduze myzzz-elf to your polite-er friend." While Peter was taken aback, the zombie did a curtsey to Alice. "My name iz Quinn, and I run this plaze!"

"You run the mall..?" Alice asked.

"Yez, I do. -And we here at thiz mall do not take kindly to thoze who try to azz..azzazz-" she struggled with the pronunciation for a moment. "-Azzazzinate our people,"

Quinn took a step forward as Peter took a step back. "You're a zombie. You shouldn't sneak up on humans if you don't want to get hurt," he said.

"You didn't have to be zo rude about it!" She took another step. "How about you pay it back to me... and join the community?"

Peter continued backing away. "-I'm not joining any community of yours, you - you undead freak,"

"Oh, you will. After all.. We've never failed to integrate one like you before,"

Quinn limped towards Peter, who took off running. He went around the store in a loop, with Quinn still following him.

Alice tossed their dress to their friends. "Ragz! Mink! Get that for me!" they yelled. "I've gotta make sure Peter doesn't die!" They ran after Quinn and Peter, who'd left the store.

"Zzz-ombiez! Capture zhe brown haired boy! Infect! Conzzz-ume! Integrate him into our mazzzz-es!" Quinn shouted. Immediately, the nearby zombies followed pursuit, slowly stumbling after Peter and Alice. "-Do not hurt zhe pale one! They have been kind! I only want zhe tall one!"

"This is why I told you not to go alone!" Alice shouted to Peter.

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