Welcome, Friendz!

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The next afternoon, while once more trying to get a snack from the kitchen (hopefully without Ragz stealing it, this time), Alice overheard more of Peter and Crazy Dave's planning.

"-And I plan to head to the Sunshine mall to get us a vacuum," they overheard Peter saying. "As we'll need it for the machine anyway,"

"You're going to the mall?" asked Alice.

"He is, at least," said Crazy Dave. "I've been banned from that place for years! Grah, I didn't know you weren't allowed to put bubble bath in the fountain,"

"There wouldn't be time for fooling around anyway. The entire mall is filled with zombies; it's going to be a dangerous escapade. There's no need to worry, though. I'm going alone. I can drive myself, if given permission to use your car, Crazy Dave," said Peter.

Alice raised an eyebrow. "..Didn't you just say the whole mall was infested?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"Uh, isn't it like- a really bad idea to go all by yourself, then?"

"I can manage-"

"No, no you can't. I don't care how cool you think you are, you can't just go all on your own and expect to make it out alive. Sweetpea n' I will go with you!"

"..Since when do you have agency like that?-" Peter said, taken aback. "-You'll get yourself killed, kid,"

"And you're saying that you won't?"

Peter and Alice stared at each other for a moment.

"-I'll tell Ragz and Mink to get ready," said Alice. They ran out of the room before Peter could protest.

"All three of you, listen. If you don't do what I say, you will die. You will all die. I'm more experienced with zombies than any of you will ever be, and I know what I'm doing," Peter explained on their drive to the mall. "-This is an incredibly dangerous mission, you all realize. When we get there, I'm giving you all the option to stay in the car instead of heading inside, okay? Remember, entering could put your lives on the line,"

"Yeah yeah, we get it! I don't care! I've never been in a mall before, and I wanna see it!" said Ragz.

"Suit yourself. You're setting up your own pitiful demise, you understand, correct?"

"I'll just punch all the zombies! I'm cool like that, y'know?"

Peter rolled his eyes and sighed. "Whatever you say, Ragz,"

Once the car was parked, the four approached the mall's entrance.

"-Last chance to turn back, everyone," Peter said. Alice, Ragz and Mink stood their ground. "..Alright, then." The group - with Peter leading - entered the mall.

The mall was dim, and a purple haze hung in the air. Beyond the purple haze, however, was a scene just like Peter described - the entire mall was overrun with zombies, all with very vibrant hair colors. Peter immediately held up his crossbow and aimed at the nearest zombie.

"Hello... humanz," said a zombie near the entrance. It didn't approach them, or show any signs of aggression, it merely stood in place with its arms held out. "Welcome to the Zunshine Mall.."

Strangely, none of the other zombies seemed to acknowledge their appearances. In fact, they were all walking around as if they were humans in a regular mall. Noticeably, each of them had a large black backpack on.

Alice glanced at Peter, who's eye twitched upon seeing the horde of "friendly" zombies. He cautiously lowered his crossbow.

"..Hello?" said Alice.

"Welcome.. We here are friendly. Do not fear us," said the zombie. He turned around, revealing his backpack to be.. A plant carrier? A hypno-shroom sat in it, quietly puffing out hypnotizing fumes. "My mushroom'zzz name iz Kyro. I am under her control. I am safe,"

Peter furrowed his brow and put away his crossbow. "..Alright, then. Please don't bother us while we're here,"

"We zombiezzz... normally do not bother you humanz. You may purchazzz-e anything you need or want here. Have a nizzz-e afternoon,"

"..Don't shoot any of these zombies, Sweetpea. They're nice," said Alice. Sweetpea nodded.

The group wandered through the mall, trying their best to ignore the dozens of hypnotized zombies shambling about. While unsettling, they didn't pose any real danger.

"Ooh, look at these clothes!" said Mink as they passed an old alternative fashion store. The Oddity, it was called. Ragz looked up at the mannequins behind the glass.

"Those look cool.." Ragz marvelled. "-Can we look around here? I've- like, never owned actual clothes besides these ones before,"

"You know why we're here, boys. We have a job to do, there's no time to fool around," said Peter.

"Come on, we can step in here for a minute. Ragz n' Mink have been in the same clothes for days,"

"We cannot waste any time here! You're not going in the Oddity store!"

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