Search Party 2.0

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"Get up, Sweetpea. We've got to look for Markus again today," said Alice.

Sweetpea was still lazing about on Alice's pillow as they got dressed, throwing on their blue hoodie from the previous day, though opting for a skirt instead of another pair of jean shorts. After putting their backpack on, they looked at themself in the mirror - they still hadn't washed that ink smudge. Oh well, they'd get to it later.

"Come on, man! He can't wait for us just cause you're lazy!" Alice gently shook Sweetpea, who leaned up and frowned at them. "Well, I'm sorry I interrupted your beauty sleep, then." Sweetpea rolled his eyes and stood up,

finally waking up fully.

Alice extended their hand to him. "Come on, hop up!" they said. Sweetpea climbed up their arm and sat on their shoulder, before the two left the room. After heading downstairs, they planned to simply set off, but.. something distracted them. The scent of breakfast.

"..Oh, I haven't had bacon since the apocalypse started," they muttered. To no protests, they turned away from the front door and instead wandered out to the kitchen.

"Good mornin', Frosty!" said Crazy Dave upon spotting their entrance.

"..Hello!" said Alice, giving a small wave. They quietly took a seat next to Crazy Dave; Pudding sat across from them.

"You snore. Really loudly," said Pudding. Alice raised an eyebrow, but Pudding instead gestured to Sweetpea. "-Him, not you, snowcone." Sweetpea puffed up his chest and glared at her, though she merely smirked at his actions. "Pipsqueak, please. Just shut up and eat your breakfast, I don't wanna listen to you right now,"

"Hey.. don't talk to him like that," said Alice as they set Sweetpea down on the table. "Why are you so mean?"

"It's how I am, Granny. Get over it,"

Alice looked to Crazy Dave, who shrugged. "That's Puddin' for ya," he said. "Here, Sweetpea, have a bacon. It'll make ya feel better!" he offered a strip to Sweetpea, who took it. However, he immediately handed it to Alice. They quietly thanked him.

"So.. you lookin' for your brother again today, Granny?" asked Pudding.

Alice glanced up from their bacon, and finished their bite before responding. "Oh, yeah. I don't really know where to look yet, but-"

"-Try the nursing home!" Pudding interrupted, bursting out laughing at her own joke. "Hah, see? It's- it's funny cause-"

"I get it." Alice took another bite from their bacon strip, not bothering with anything else for breakfast. They stood up from the table. "Come on, Sweetpea, let's.. let's go,"

Pudding's expression dropped. "Aw, I didn't mean to offend, man," she said. "Sorry, I guess,"

Alice didn't respond, gathering Sweetpea back onto their shoulder and leaving the kitchen. They readjusted their backpack and left the house. They turned back and looked at the house as they left the property.

"I guess we're just gonna.. wander around until we get an idea as to where he could be?" said Alice. Sweetpea shrugged, then nodded. The two set out into Neighborville's empty streets.

They passed by a few places they recognized, such as the large park and the bridge over the river, which they crossed. They stared into the rushing water below, though remained cautious as to not lean over too far.

A powerline post caught their eye as they walked past it. On it, alongside the old tattered garage sale and missing dog signs, was a newer sign, advertising an "Independant Zombie Hunter." After reading it, Alice shrugged it off as just some guy with a bunch of plants who was a bit too overconfident.

"Heh.. independant zombie hunter. Three dollars says that guy's dead," Alice smirked. Sweetpea snickered at their remark.

Eventually, they passed the entrance to Weirding Woods, a well-known camping place in the county. Alice paused, then turned to Sweetpea.

"..He'd totally be here. He always loved this place," Alice mumbled to him. They stood at the dirt road leading to Camp Near-a-Lake. "Should we look here?" Sweetpea nodded in reply, before hopping off their shoulder and scuttling off ahead. Alice followed him, entering the deep forest.

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