An Uninvited Guest

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" - uh, Shine...Girl?" Ragz read.

"Yes, that's it! Ragz, you're reading!" Alice praised. The extensive teaching was worth it once they saw Ragz's face splitting grin.

"I really did it? Woohoo!" Ragz pumped his fist, his excitement bubbling up in his every movement.

After the previous day's adventures, Alice decided to take a short break from searching for their brother. They'd taken to teaching Ragz to read through their comic books, word bubble by word bubble. He was much more interested in the pictures than any of the words, but he managed either way. He'd been making quite a bit of progress, until he reached a certain word.

"..What the heck is that?" he asked, pointing at one of the words. It was the word "Mysterious".

"Oh, that's mysterious, see? Miss-teer-ee-us,"

Ragz stared at it. "It's not spelled like that, though. It's all fancy n' stuff,"

"English is stupid, okay? Words are dumb,"

"Words are so dumb,"

Alice's attention was brought away from the lesson upon hearing a knock at the door. "Hold on, I'll be right back," they said, pushing out their chair and hopping up to see who was there.

To their surprise, Peter Lopez stood at the door. For once, his crossbow was out of sight, seemingly replaced with a large camping bag strapped to his back. He swallowed once he saw them.

"..Crossbow boy?" Alice said. "What are you-"
"-It's Peter, and I come bearing awful news. Really awful news."

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