4 | Welcome Greenie

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By now for the past three years everyone knows that every month, a new boy along with supplies arrive in the elevator. Normally when everyone first shows up they can't recall their name right away but will eventually, but no one ever remembers their past before waking up in the box. "Amelia, Jeff needs your help." Clint shouts some ways from me so I make my way to where I was needed. I still was the only girl out of all boys that kept coming up in the box. Of course there are still some guys that question why I'm the only girl while others just moved on from it.

"You need me?" I ask walking up to Jeff. "Yes, can you patch Dave up?" I just nod my head helping Dave, who cut himself bad. "I swear you are here every other day." I shake my head at him. "My job is dangerous." He smiles at me. "Not as dangerous as Runners. Plus I've watched you slice in the past and you don't pay attention to where you hit." I finish bandaging him up then Gally comes up to me. "Haven't seen you needing help since you first arrived." I laugh as he sits in front of me.

"Greenie tossed me the hammer and I grabbed the wrong end." He shows me his palm that had a deep cut so I fix him up. "Just be careful picking things up or you can make it worse. Also keep it clean or it will get infected, trust me." I stand up. "Don't tell the other two but you're a better Med-jack." Gally gets up making me laugh. "Thanks." I shake my head.

"I like when you do that." He says making me look at him confused. "When you laugh you close your eyes while you throw your head back... I think it's adorable." He smiles at me. "Thanks.. I guess. Jeff, call me if anymore guys need my assistance." I go walk around the Glade. I stare at the open doors thinking about when I used to be a Runner. Alby, Minho, Newt, and Gally thought it would be best if I didn't become a permanent Runner just whenever they needed me.

"It's for the best." Gally walks up to me. "It's bullshit, because you all know I'm a better runner than some of the boys who are. Hank... Dan..." I cross my arms still looking at the doors. "I know that... you have beaten them in races multiple of times." I turn my head glare at him. "Then why did you all decide to keep me from running?" I huff. "Because we just did." I roll my eyes. "Because it's not a good job for a girl." I mock how he talks. "We still have no idea why you are the only girl to show up in the past three years." He tells me. "I know and I still have no idea either. It's not the best being the only girl." I walk away from him.

At the same time I walk away the box alarm goes off so we all run over to it to welcome the new Greenie. This time it was a younger chubby boy with curly hair. "Get him." I hit Gally's arm and he jumps down scaring the younger boy. "Day one Greenie." He tells the boy them we help him out. "How about you give him the tour." Newt tells me so I nod my head as the others walk off. "Can you tell me anything about yourself? Your name?" I ask the kid. "No." He looks around scared. "It's okay, it takes awhile before your name comes back to you. Usually a day or two. We all went through it. I'm Amelia and this place is the Glade and we call ourselves Gladers. Ever month a new boy, that's you this month, comes up with supplies for us. We call you guys Greenie since you're new." I tell him as we start to walk with him following me.

"We eat here. We sleep here. We grow our own food. We build our own shelter. Everyone gets assigned a role, basically our jobs here. Runners are the only ones who are allowed to go out into the Maze. They are defined as the strongest, fastest, and best of the Gladers. Runners run the Maze everyday, trying to find a way out. Builders are the ones who build most of the things around the Glade, such as structures and other simple items that would help with carrying and moving things around. Cooks are the Gladers responsible for preparing the meals of the Glade." I stop for a second so he can take it in before I continue.

"Slicers feed and raise the livestock which are all kept in pens in the Blood House area. They also clean, fix fences, and scrape up klunk, which is poop. Track-hoes do the hard work around the plants, like trenching. Gardeners take care of the plants in the Gardens. Med-jacks are specialized Gladers who are basically doctors of the Glade. Sloppers are the Gladers who are not good at any of the jobs, so they help around the Glade." I explain each job.

"We also only have three rules; Never go outside the Glade, unless you are a Runner. Never hurt another Glader. You have to trust each other. And everyone does their part. No slackers." I tell him was we walk around and see Alby. "This is Alby, he's the leader of the Glade." I tell him. "Welcome Greenbean. Newt told me you are giving him the tour." Alby smiles at me. "Yep, we are just finishing up." I smile back.

"What is your job? And why are you the only girl?" The Greenie asks me

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"What is your job? And why are you the only girl?" The Greenie asks me. "Amelia here is a Med-jack and a Runner when needed. Also sorta like a Third-in-Command at times. She was one of the first to arrive after me before a group of boys came after her. We still don't know by she's the only girls but most of us moved of from it." Alby tells him before they both walk off with each other.

When it got later everyone was eating while I sat on my hammock alone just thinking like I normally do. "You do this everyday for the past three years." Minho walks up behind me. "I like to sit and think. What else am I supposed to do?" I laugh as he sits next to me. "I'm sure you were put in here for a reason." He says making me look at him. "I just wanna know that reason. It's so annoying being the only girl because how some of the guys get." I sigh.

"I know, but you can take care of yourself." He pats my leg. "I miss running." I tell him. "I keep trying to get the guys to agree to let you run but Newt and Gally don't want you to. Alby thinks it's what your best at but he wants too keep the other two at peace with saying you can only run if needed." Minho explains to me. "Well I hate it." I say making him wrap an arm around me. "I'll keep trying for you." He kisses the side of my head. "It's never going to happen." I groan then start to laugh as he tickles me.

" I groan then start to laugh as he tickles me

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"Minho! St-stop. Pl-ple-pleas." I say in between laughs as he makes me lay back. He laughs and stops momentarily, his face only inches away from mine. He stares at me and I stare back at him. Without thinking he presses his lips against mine and I kiss him back while his hands land on my waist and my arms around his neck.

"Where are you two!?" We hear Fry so we sit up quickly. "Over here Fry." I raise my hand. "Come get some food before it's all gone. I'm trying my best to save you some." He walks over to us. "Just her? What about me?" Minho asks as we get off my hammock. "Yes, only her. Lia, is my girl, I got her back." Fry says making me laugh then jump on his back. "Then to the food!" I shout and he runs with Minho yelling behind us, "Rude!"

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