3 | Start Of The Glade

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A sudden rush of wind flew across my face as I was being lifted up in this metal cage

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A sudden rush of wind flew across my face as I was being lifted up in this metal cage. It's been about 20 minutes and just now had it felt faster. I was freaking out I didn't know why I was here, where I was going, and couldn't even remember what my name was. How do I not know my own name? Suddenly the box comes to a stop and a big door opens making me cover my eyes from the sunlight. As I block the sun a see a dark skin boy coming down to help me out. "Wasn't expecting a girl. Then again I didn't know what to expect." He put a hand out and I take it. He helps me out if the box and I see big walls around us. "Where am I?" I ask him. "I call it the Glade. I'm Alby." He gives me a smile. "If I knew my name I would tell you but nice to meet you Alby." He starts to laugh. "Yeah. You won't remember your name for about three to two days."

"Is there anyone else?" I continue to look around. "Just me and you. I've been alone for a month. I was sent up here in the box too with supplies to live off of." I nod my head. "Does that mean next month someone else will come up in the box with more supplies?" I ask him. "I don't know but that's what it seems like." He says as we get supply boxes out then the big box goes away. "So what's around us?" I ask as we walk. "A maze from what I seen a little. For awhile I didn't go in too scared. The doors open as close at a certain time everyday and the time never changes. So when you go in you have to run. I recommend not going in for awhile." He explains to me.

"You starting to build things I see." I slightly chuckle at the structure he started building. "Yeah, this is going to be what I call the homestead. Over there is the garden where we grow it food. Got an animal pin over there, calling it the blood house." He explains to me. "So I'm guessing as more people show up we will start to have different roles/jobs in here to keep it running?" I ask him. "Pretty much, Greenie." He says making me smile, "Greenie... That's what you going to all new people? I like that." He laughs and helps me set up my hammock. "I wonder how long we are going to be here?" I look over at him. "I don't know."

Being there I got the hang of living in the Glade with Ably. Like he said a few days there I remembered my name, which was Amelia. Ably took me into the maze and said I was a fast runner while I came up with the idea of when we get more people we can call those who map the maze Runners. Then we came up with Slicers, for those we put to work in the Blood house. Builders, who build our structures. Gardeners, for the garden. Med-jacks like doctors because we will need people like that. Of course the cooks to feed us. And Sloppers who aren't good in any of those areas so they just help around.

The next month while we were sleeping we woke up the next morning to see about 10 to 20 other boys laying around the box. It was new to us but we help them out and explain the Glade to them. That's when the vision of the Glade started to come together. We had Minho Keeper of Runners, Gally Keeper of Builders, Frypan Keeper of Cooks, Winston Keeper of Slicers, Clint Keeper of Med-Jacks, and Zart Keeper of Track-hoes, which was gardening. Ably was first in common, Newt was second in command while he gardened, and I was sorta third in command while I was also a med-jack and a runner.

 Ably was first in common, Newt was second in command while he gardened, and I was sorta third in command while I was also a med-jack and a runner

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"Why do you even want to be a runner?" Gally yells at me. "Because I like running! Sorry I find it more interesting than being a Med-jack!" I shout back at him. "Bloody hell Amelia you're not going to be a full time runner!" Newt joins in. "Why can't I?" I yell at them. "Because it's not a good job for a girl. We still don't know why you are the only girl to show up since the beginning." Gally says making me roll my eyes. "As if! You guys know I'm just as good as some of the other runners! Alby, you even said I was good a runner and if Minho wasn't here... I could have been Keeper." I look over at him. 

"She's not wrong. She's almost a better runner than me." Minho says making the other two yell at him. "Amelia, can you wait outside?" Alby asks me so I just leave. "I wouldn't go in there right now. Fighting about my role in the Glade." I stop Fry and Winston. "Yeah... We'll come back. Let us know what they choose. Good luck." Fry starts to walk backwards and Winston smiles doing the same.

"It's too dangerous for her. She could hurt herself like I did..." I hear Newt say and I think back to when Alby dragged him back in before the door shut. "Why can't I help?" I try to go in to see Newt. "Not right now Amelia." Ably holds me back. "What happened to him? Is he okay?" I start to panic. "Hopefully it's just his leg that's broke." He tries to calm me down. "How did he break his leg?" I ask him. "Fell from one of the walls." I stop fighting back understanding. "He tried to... didn't he?" I start to tear up and Alby just gives me a hug. "Just wait till I say to come in." He goes back inside as I sat outside.

When I was allowed to come in I see Newt sitting in one of the beds, his back against the head of the bed and his legs up. One of them swollen. "Hey Newt." I greeted him with a little smile. "How are you?" I walk over to him while the others left us alone. "In pain" His voice lacked any of the usual cheerfulness, instead it was filled with defeat. I just started to cry. "I know you hate it here... but I don't want you to leave. I need you here with me." I hold his hand in mine.

"I knew you would put it together... You're too smart." He shakes his head. "I know you too well, Newt." He pulls me closer to him to wipe my tears away. "If I lost you I don't know what I would do." I look into his eyes filled with pain. "Know what I love about you?" He ask as I sit on the bed next to him. "What?" I ask with a smile. "Your eyes, I feel like I can see your soul through them. It's caring, playful, determined, uplifting, and motivating." I just smile laying my head on his chest.

Newt brought his face closer to mine and kissed my forehead and then my lips lightly. "I promise not to leave you." I smile getting up, "You better not." I lean down giving him a soft kiss back before leaving. "Amelia, I know you're the only girl here... and you're surrounded by other boys too... But that doesn't stop me from loving you even if you don't feel the same because I see how you look at Minho lately." He says as I was almost gone from his view. "Newt, I think I love the both of you but what do I know? I'm a teenager. Check on you later." I leave him.

"Amelia, we made a decision." Minho calls me back in. "We all decided that you can still be a runner but only when needed and once a week you can run the maze with Minho. So that means you will spend most of your time helping Clint and Jeff." Alby tells me and I groan but don't fight back. They all leave and I'm left with Newt. "You know why I don't want you in there." He walks up to me. "I know, but..." He cuts me off. "I've seen a look on your face in the past like I had before I jumped. I'm doing it for your safety." He leaves me alone.

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