16 | We're In

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For the past six months we been planning to get Minho back with some other kids

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For the past six months we been planning to get Minho back with some other kids. While Thomas was with Vince to get on the train, Brenda and Jorge drove to distract other soldiers. I was with Newt and some others as we hide out in the field waiting for our cue to come out. Soon we hear the whistle, "Newt!" Vince shouts. "All right, come on, let's go. Come on!" Newt tells us and we run over to the train. "This one. This one!" Thomas tells Newt. "Oh, shit! It's gonna be close." I say seeing the soldiers run towards us.

As they get ready to take the car train I shoot with two other guys. "Go! There's too many of them!" I tell them to climb up to the top and we do what I said. "Come on!" Thomas yells as the hook is lowered. "Lower!" Newt yells as I cover them. "Vince, get up here!" I shout at him as we get ready to be raised. We start to cheer as we take off, "All right, guys! Good job. Whoo!" Newt cheers. "Yeah!" Thomas raises his fist. When we get back we get inside the car and see Aris and Sonya but as we scan for Minho we see he isn't here. "He's not here..." I sigh before walking out while everyone else helps the other out.

" I sigh before walking out while everyone else helps the other out

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"All right, listen up. I know you've all been through hell. I wish I could say our troubles are over. But we're not through this yet. Wicked's still out there. They're not giving up. 'Cause you got something they want. They took you because you're immune to a plague that's wiping out the human race. And they think you're worth sacrificing to find a cure. Well, I don't. So in two days, when we get this tub of rust seaworthy, we're getting the hell outta here. We're gonna go to a place where Wicked will never find you. A place you can start over. A place you can call home." Vince gives a speech as Thomas stands next to me.

I turn to leave and he grabs my arm, "We'll get him back. I'm tired of seeing and hearing you cry every night." He looks me in the eyes. "It took us six months to do this and we didn't pick the right car with Minho. I'm happy we saved others like Aris and Sonya... but I want Minho. I want him back with us." I start to tear up causing Thomas to pull me into his chest. "I know, I want him back with us too. I can't imagine how much you, Newt, and Fry feel knowing him longer than me." He rubs my back then picks my head up wiping my tears away. "For me it's worst than thinking about everyone we lost to get here. One of the two people I'm closest with is still gone and I-.." I get cut off my Thomas lips. "We aren't giving up on saving Minho. I'll get him back."

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