15 | The Betrayal

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"Here. We got you another jacket. We know you need it." Fry hands it to me and I put it on as we all sit together on some rocks. "What was said?" Newt asks me. "Umm that I was always different when I was younger fighting back all the time. I was actually the first kid they took in... found me alone because I got separated from Teresa. Only threw me in with you boys to see how strong and smart I really was. Wanted to see if I could corrupt the group but didn't which they hated. And that Thomas made sure that didn't happen. Also that Teresa and me only got reconnected at Wicked but kept us separated because they thought I would talk to Teresa out of things. That me and Thomas may have been close but I was closer to three other boys, Newt, Minho, and Alby." I tell them.

"Makes sense why we all connected becoming friends once in the maze." Newt laughs pulling me into his side. "I'm glad I was trouble because I love you three guys so much." I smile at them. "I think we can agree with you." Minho pulls me away from Newt. "I can't imagine how boring the Glade would have been without you." Fry adds making me laugh before the four of us just sit quietly looking out till Thomas joins us. "I wish Alby could've seen all of this." Newt speaks up. "And Winston." Fry adds. "And Chuck." Thomas adds. "He'd be proud of you, you know, Tommy." Newt tells him. "Yeah." He nods his head. "I wish anyone of the Glade from could see this." I sigh as Fry calls Aris name. "I kinda like that kid." Fry smiles. "Yeah. I still don't trust him, though." We all laugh and I snuggle Newt seeing he was cold.

"Hey, where's Teresa?" Thomas asks. "She went up there." Newt points back at cliff so Thomas leaves. "I know this sounds odd but I deep down sorta don't trust her." I say making them look at me. "Why?" Minho asks me. " I got another little memory from when I was being taken to get out into the maze... She didn't do anything as I got dragged away from her and Thomas. He was yelling and trying to get to me but she stood still and didn't say anything. And when Mary was saying that Thomas was their source she had this look on her face... I don't know." I tell them how I was feeling.

A few seconds past as they just look at me then we hear a helicopter before the base gets attacked

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A few seconds past as they just look at me then we hear a helicopter before the base gets attacked. We jump up running down to help and find Thomas. "Where's Thomas?" Fry shouts as we duck down. "Vince! Harriet!" Minho runs over to help them and we follow him. We all get a gun and start to shoot at Wicked. "There's too many of them." I say running out of bullets. Wicked soldiers throw something making a shock wave making us all fall to the ground. They come over and drag us to line us up on our knees. It was Minho, me, Newt, Harriet, Fry, Aris, then Sonya. Then they scan us saying what subject we are. "Where's Thomas?" Janson asks then Thomas comes out making us look back at him then out next or Minho.

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