13 | Looking For Ghost

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"Do you ever get the feeling the whole world's against you? Three questions. Where did you come from? Where are you going? How can I profit?" Jorge asks us. "We're headed for the mountains." Thomas pauses. "Looking for the Right Arm." I add making the men laugh. "You've looking for ghost you mean. Question number two. Where did you come from?" He makes us look at each other. "That's our business." Minho tells him making the men all group us then let us go as the girl scanned the back of Thomas's neck. "I'm sorry, hermano. Looks like you're tagged. You came from Wicked. Which means...you're very valuable." He tells us and we all end up getting strung up by our feet.

" He tells us and we all end up getting strung up by our feet

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"Good plan, Thomas. Just hear what the man has to say. Really working out of us." Minho tells him. "Oh, shut up, Minho. Maybe I can reach the rope." Thomas says so he, me, and Minho try but fail. "Enjoying the view?" Jorge asks us. "Why the hell do you want?" I ask him. "That is the question. My men want to sell you back to Wicked. Life has taught them to think small. I'm not like that. Something tells me that you're not either." He tells me and Thomas.

"Is the blood rushing to my head or is this shank not making any sense?" Minho asks. "Tell me what you know about the Right Arm." Jorge asks us. "Thought you said they were ghost?" Newt asks him. "I happen to believe in ghost. Especially when I hear them chattering on the airwaves. You tell me what you know and maybe we can make a deal." He tells us.

"We don't know much." Thomas tells him and he makes us fall some. "They're hiding in the mountains. And they attacked Wicked. They got a bunch of kids. That's it. That's all we know." I tell the man and he starts to leave us. "You're not going to help us?" Thomas asks the man and he leaves. "What are you doing Millie?" Newt asks as I try swinging myself. "Trying to swing myself to push Teresa, who is the closest, to the bar over there." I tell him.

"Hey, that's a smart idea." Thomas looks at me. "Well can't you guys help me?" I ask and him and Minho help. Finally we get her over there and she pulls the lever more so she can untie herself then helps us. "We gotta hurry." I say as we hear Janson. As one of the guys try to take up Thomas tries to fight back then the girl shoots him telling us to follow her so we do.

"Brenda, hurry

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"Brenda, hurry." Jorge tells her and we see we have to zip line. "Thomas, we gotta go." I tell him as he runs after Brenda and I struggle to decide to follow him or follow Teresa. "Shit." I rush after Thomas and Brenda. As we run to leave see Wicked soldiers making us run the other direction. We dodge shoots then have to make our way across beams since there was nowhere else to go. "Be careful Thomas." I say as I go in front of him following Brenda.

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