17 | The City

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"Well, here we go." Fry says driving down the tunnel. "Yeah, just take it nice and slow." I tell him. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" We see one crank. "It's okay. It's just one, so take it slow, go around him. We'll be fine." Thomas tells Fry and Newt rolls the window up. "Take it slow. Take it slow." Fry repeats. "Please." A woman hits Thomas's side window making him move over to me. "Please. Help me. Please." She hits the car then one ends up on my said making me and Thomas get closer together in the middle. "Please! Let me in." She slaps the window.

"Okay. Fry, we gotta go!" More show up surrounding us. "You need to go right now!" Newt tells him. "Just floor it, Fry!" Thomas shouts. "Hold on!" He shouts at us then goes. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I say as one stays on the hood. "Come on, Fry, shake him!" Thomas shouts. "I'm trying! Hang on!" We all get jerked around. "Frypan, watch out!" I scream before we get flipped over causing us all to cough.

"Everyone okay?" Thomas asks while Fry repeats his hand over and I thank Thomas for being a cushion

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"Everyone okay?" Thomas asks while Fry repeats his hand over and I thank Thomas for being a cushion. Thomas kicks out the window and crawls out and I carefully follow. As Thomas tries to get the driver door open I go around to help Newt. "Oh, shit." We panic as a crack comes out us and Fry still wasn't out because he was trying to get something. Once he got it he shoots the crank. "Nice shot, Fry." I let him know. "Thanks." He says as more show up making us run. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" We see them coming from the other direction as well. "I'm out!" Fry says ones he had no more ammo. "Shit!" Thomas says as we huddle together before another vehicle show us. "Hey, get in!" Brenda shouts and we waste no time jumping in the back.

"I'm impressed! You guys almost lasted a whole day." Jorge tells us. "I'm sorry. I didn't wanna bring you guys into this." Thomas tells them. "I think what he's trying to say is thanks for saving us." Fry leans forward. "You're welcome." Brenda says. "Hey, don't get your hopes up. That checkpoint back there, that was the city's last defense. If that was overrun, chances are the city is, too." Jorge says as I see the city.

"Yeah, unless they figured out some other way to keep the Cranks out." I say making everyone look and Jorge stops the vehicle. We all get out to get a better view of the city with a huge wall around it. "Funny... Spent three years trapped behind walls, trying to break out, and now we wanna break back in." Newt says looking at the city. "Yeah. It's hilarious." Fry adds. "Jorge, how do we get in?" Thomas asks.

"Don't look at me, hermano. Those walls are new. I guess that's Wicked 's answer for everything." He tells him. "Well, we ain't gonna figure it out from up here. Let's go!" Brenda tells us as Newt and me walk over to Thomas. "You really think he's in there?" Newt asks him. "I guess we'll find out." He tells us. "You know she's gonna be there, too." I add and he looks at me before looking back at the city.

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