20 | Hang On

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Back in the city I split off with Gally and follow be hide him till we meet up with the other three. "Hold on. Hold on. I can get in here." Gally stops as we get in the stairwell. "Stay there. Throw me the walkie." Thomas says then goes to check the rest of the stairs as Newt starts to cough. I try to breathe calmly as I walk over to him placing my hand on his back and see Teresa staring at him. "Don't cry." He looks me in the eyes and they tear up but I don't let any come out as I look at him. "Frypan, we're in. How you doing?" Thomas walks around. "Hang in there, buddy." He tells him while I stay close to Newt. "This'll work." Gally tells Thomas. "Brenda, what's your status?" He asks her. "All right, let's go." Gally tells us.

When we get to the room the four of us shoot at the soldiers taking them out

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When we get to the room the four of us shoot at the soldiers taking them out. "It's okay. You guys are okay. Come on." I open one of the door helping the kids out. "The vault. How do I get in?" I hear Gally ask and the guy said he can't. "Guys, this might take some time." Gally tells us and I see Minho still wasn't here. "Shit. He's not here. Where is he?" I tell them going up to Teresa so she looks on the computer.

"Somebody's moved him up to the medical wing. Thomas, that's on the other side of the building." She tells us. "Okay, take me to him. Right now." He tells her. "All right. I'm coming with you." Newt grabs his things. "Newt, no, you're not. You have to stay here, wait with Gally and Amelia for the serum." Thomas tells him. "You can't do this on your own. Minho comes first, remember?" Newt tells him. "Just go. We're wasting time. Gally will get the serum. We'll meet you out back. "I tell them. "Okay, fine. Let's go. Come on." Thomas gets Teresa. "Newt, be careful." I shake my head at him. "Hey, Greenie. Good luck." Gally tells Thomas.

"Okay. We need to get outta here now." Gally tells the group as he gets the serum. "Stay close to us and stick together." I tell them. "You, you guard this with your life. You understand? All right. Let's go." Gally says as we get our guns ready running out. I let the kids run ahead of me so I have the back end. "Stay low! Stay low! Go! Go! Go! Go! Stay low! Stay low!" Gally tells them as we get to the garage. "Brenda, where are you? We're here." I tell her and she pulls up. "Come on, let's go." She opens the doors.

"All right

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"All right. Let's go, let's go. Quickly, quickly." I tell the group. "Front and back, front and back. Let's go." Gally tells them. "Wait, where's Thomas?" Brenda asks us. "I was hoping he was with you.. Wait! Wait! Stay here with the kids. Wait here... We'll find him. Just wait for us, okay? Come on, Lia." Gally puts on his mask and I do the same following behind him. "Blend." He tells me as we join some soldiers. While we were outside we see three guys jump from one on the top floors into the water.

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