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25th may 2023, monaco

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25th may 2023, monaco

25th may 2023, monaco

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          ELLA HELD MILLIES HAND THE WHOLE WAY DOWNSTAIRS. They got into the car and directed the driver to the nearest grocery store. Ella put Max's Black Amex card in her purse as to not lose it. "I got my shopping list!" Millie revealed, waving a piece of paper in the air. "What do you have on your list, sweetheart?"

"My favourite sweeties! And my Daddy's favourite sweeties! And pesto!"

"What are your favourite sweeties?" Ella asked, Millie read from the list to decide her favourite. "Me and my Dad both like fizzy fish!" She decided, Ella nodded.
"Well your dad left me a note that said you can have whatever you want, so I'm sure we can buy them for you." She smiled, Millie clapped her tiny hands in excitement.

They had a fun afternoon shopping, they got all the ingredients to make fresh pizza and pesto pasta as well as other basic grocery items and Millie's favourite sweets. When they got back, Ella began making dinner in time for Max arriving home. When the door eventually opened, Max shouted immediately. "Princess! I'm home!"

"Daddy!" She jumped off the bar stools and ran to the front door. Max greeted his daughter with a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Did you have a good day?"

"The best! Ella is so cool Dad!" She jumped up and down, Max asked for details and Millie explained cutely how they went shopping and to the park. Millie took her fathers hand and lead him into the kitchen where Ella was serving the pesto pasta.

"How was work?" Ella made conversation, Max nodded. "It was fine. Boring media day, no racing." He said shortly, Millie picked up her childish fork and tried her pasta, both adults watched her intently, waiting to discover if she liked it. Millie smiled, and made an 'mmmm' sound. "You like it?"

"I love it!" Millie clapped, Ella laughed and was glad she did. The group ate their dinner listening to Millie's debrief about her day, and answering her questions. "Ella do you have a family?" Millie wondered aloud, Max looked at his daughter suddenly. "Millie." He warned.

"No, it's okay." Ella insisted. "Yes I do, but they live in Italy." Ella revealed, Millie nodded with furrowed eyebrows. "Don't you miss them?"

"Yes, but I'll see them again soon. And I talk to them a lot." Ella smiled kindly, Millie nodded once more and the three of them continued eating and conversing casually. When Millie finished, she thanked Ella and head to the living room where she put on her favourite tv show.

Ella began to tidy up the dishes, Max offered his help as she placed them next to the sink but before she could reject his offer Millie was screaming from the next room. Both of them ran to the living room, and seen Millie standing shocked, with her hands covering her mouth. "Uncle Nico!"

Ella relaxed as Max greeted the visitor with a warm welcome. "Nico! I didn't know you were coming!"

"Answer your phone and you would have," the man spoke. Ella realised immediately he was also Italian, she was intrigued. "New housekeeper?" He asked, "Did Max tell you why the last one left, bellezza?" Nico winked.

"No, non l'ha fatto, dovrei chiederglielo?" No he didn't, should I ask him? Ella smirked as she shocked the stranger, Nico proceeded to look at Max "An Italian?"

"Sono Domenico Furi, piacere di conoscerti bellezza." I'm Domenico Furi, lovely to meet you beauty. Ella rolled her eyes at his charm, but introduced herself - in english. "Ella Bonardi."

Nico explained his visit, and stayed for about an hour. When he left Millie continued playing on her iPad while Ella and Max disappeared into the kitchen to do the dishes. "So what do you think of Nico?" He asked, she tried not to laugh as she insisted he was nice. "He likes you."

"We had an hour conversation, and I barely spoke! So is he really an engineer at redbull?" She asked, Max nodded. "Weird, you think he'd want to work for Ferrari."

"Not all Italians are Ferrari fans, Antonella." Max laughed. Did Max Verstappen actually laugh? Ella couldn't help but smile in surprise. She'd never heard him laugh without Millie being present. It was nice. "So, what happened to your last housekeeper then? Why did she leave?"

"Do you want the truth or can I give you some cliché?" Max smiled, Ella pretended to have to think about it before rolling her eyes and looking at him seriously. "The truth, Mr Verstappen."

Max's heart skipped a beat, he wasn't sure why.

"She fell in love with me," he said bluntly. Ella's eyes widened, she wondered if that explained why he was cold towards her, this was the first conversation she had with him where he hadn't been distant. "I didn't feel the same, so she left." Max shrugged, as if it meant nothing. Ella was still curious. "Willingly or did you fire her?"

"It was her choice, but I would have fired her anyway. I should warn you the same will happen to you should it be necessary. So don't get any ideas." He warned, drying his hands with the dish towel and leaving the kitchen swiftly.

"Like I would ever fall in love with that show off."


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