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18th november 2023, las vegas
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THE DAY AFTER AMALIAS SURPRISE, Max had bought Ella flowers, they were waiting for her on her bedside when they arrived home from Brazil. Now, the family were in Las Vegas. But they were not watching Max win from the comfort of the Redbull garage. Because of how late the race was on, Ella and Millie were watching the race from the comfort of the hotel couch - Millie had fallen asleep 24 laps ago.
The Las Vegas Grand Prix had an odd atmosphere around it, Max obviously didn't like it. It felt more like a show than a race. Ella still enjoyed the race, and when it was done she quickly carried Millie to bed in time to watch the podium.
After it was finished, she put on the Kardashians and fought to stay awake as she waited for Max to arrive back at the hotel.
Soon enough, Ella heard the door unlock which woke her up fully, she had been dozing in and out of consciousness. "What lap did she fall asleep?" Max asked first, Ella laughed at his question. "I believe it was Lap 21. She was determined to stay awake."
"Thanks for staying here with her. I got here as fast as I could," Max explained, Ella assured him it was fine and congratulated him on the win. "Amalia has moved back to the Netherlands," Max informed her. Ella wasn't sure what to say.
"At least we don't have to worry about her anymore," Ella smiled, Max agreed wholeheartedly. "I just wanna thank you again for defending Millie and I, I mean you were amazing that day."
"You don't have to thank me again Max, you would have done the same for me if Dante had showed up," she shrugged her shoulders.
"If Dante showed up I probably would break his nose," Max shrugged as if it was nothing. Ella bit back a laugh and, "Do you want to finish this episode with me?" She offered, Max nodded and joined her on the couch.
Ella focused on the Kardashians, while Max focused on her. He watched her face as she concentrated, she looked so delicate. "Max! You're staring again."
"Sorry, I know you hate when I do that," he laughed, looking at the television. Max gently lay his head on Ella's shoulder, he was shattered. But tried his best not to fall asleep to spend a little extra time with Ella.
"Did you enjoy Las Vegas then?" Ella asked suddenly, Max shrugged his shoulders. "The track was fun, very fast. But I'm not so sure about all the publicity and entertainment around it, seems like it's not about racing anymore."
"Well I imagine it's strange for you, everything being new. You're not used to new things." Ella spoke to him, still looking at the TV. Max sat up to look at her once more. "I'm new at this," he admitted. Ella looked at him strangely, waiting for him to continue. But he didn't.
"Yeah but at least everyone was new at it, it was a new track for everyone," Ella continued the conversation, thinking that was what Max had meant.
Max shook his head, "no... I'm new at this." He said again, Ella still wasn't sure what he meant. "Feelings. I haven't felt anything for a very long time. You make me feel things." Max explained, Ella locked eyes with him.
"Max..." She said softly, Max nodded. "I know. I'm back and forth. I'm a mess. But we..." He argued, Ella shook her head, interrupting him, they couldn't. "We can't."
He knew she was right, but he wished she wasn't. "Maybe we're soulmates in another universe." Ella comforted. Max took a deep breath, and stared into her eyes. "But why not this one?" Max asked childishly, Ella didn't want to answer that. But she had to.
"You tell me you love me, but you act like you don't."
He put a hand on her chin and caressed her cheek gently. Ella wrapped her arms around his neck. With Max's free hand he lifted Ella on top of him, not breaking eye contact for a second until he looked at her lips.
They moved closer and closer, their lips were just about to touch when... "Daddy!" Millie shouted suddenly from her room. Ella gasped and jumped off of Max, running to Millie. Max followed her instantly as the pair burst through the door and turned the light on. "Princess, what's wrong?" He asked.
Millie was shaking with fear as she pointed at the wall, "Spider!"
Max sighed in relief, but also agitation. He was finally about to kiss Ella, and a spider had interrupted them. He put the spider in a glass and at Millie's request took it outside while Ella turned the lights off to let Millie go back to sleep.
Max returned with an empty glass, just as Ella was walking out. "Goodnight Max," she said shyly, he kissed her cheek and said goodnight, cursing himself for not kissing her in the hallway. But the timing wasn't right. He worried that it never would be. Maybe Antonella Bonardi and Max Verstappen just weren't destined to be together.
If there was one thing Ella knew for sure, it was that Max confused the hell out of her. One minute he was this way, the next he was that way. It was exhausting to keep up with, and she wasn't sure if a relationship like that would ever work. She had no idea on her feelings for Max, or what they were. But she knew they couldn't continue the way things were. Max had to make up his mind, and they would go from there.
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a/n SORRY IM SUCH A TEASE LMAO not yet, but maybe soon ;)
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