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27th august 2023, netherlands
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"YOU DID IT MAX! YOU EQUALED THE RECORD!" Ella cheered, Max gave his daughter a hug and a kiss as he looked at Ella in confusion. "How did you know about that?" They hadn't spoke about how last night ended, maybe Ella was too drunk to remember; or maybe she was avoiding the conversation.
"Your Dad was telling me about it," Ella explained, Max couldn't help the surprised look that painted across his face. His mother and sister gave him a hug each. His father slowly walked over and gave him a cold congratulations that Max almost ignored. "Horner wants to speak to me, why don't you guys go find a restaurant, text me the address and I'll be there in half an hour?" Max spoke to his whole family, but was only looking at Ella. Ella nodded and asked Max's mother what she thought, Sophie agreed and the four girls said goodbye to Max and discussed what restaurants they would like to go to. Victoria found her husband and sons in the grandstands and the large group left.
"Christian, you wanted to see me?" Max smiled, Christian gave him another hug and congratulations for today. Max thanked him with a smile and had a quick discussion. "Amazing work today Max, I'm so proud of you." Horner smiled, Max thanked him and wished him a good evening. As he was getting ready to leave the paddock, he was stopped by his father. "Son, we have to talk."
"What is it? I'm going to be late for dinner," Max hurried him, as he packed his bag. His father had a strange expression on his face, as if he was about to say something that would annoy Max greatly. "Dad."
"Right. It's about that Ella girl," he said delicately, Max was surprised he sounded so gentle. "What about her?" Max asked immediately, as if it was a reflex. He was desperate to know, and didn't have time for any of the stalling Jos Verstappen was playing at.
"I think she's trouble, son." As soon as the first sentence left his father's mouth he looked away from him, rolling his eyes profusely as Jos tried to explain himself. "No family money, no real job, no education. She's using you for your money! She's trying to weasel her way into your rich and famous lifestyle and this ridiculous nanny job gave her a way to do it!" Jos spat, Max nodded along facetiously. "I bet you she relentlessly flirts with you, without any shame. Be careful son, she'll use her sexuality to baby trap you! Although saying that - I said that about the last one didn't I, and we know how that worked out. I actually think this new girl is more dangerous than Amalia. At least Amalia had potential to become a model."
"Tread lightly." Max finally spoke up, warning his father to stop immediately. Jos put his hands up defensively, as if he'd done nothing wrong. "I'm just looking out for you—"
"Looking out for me?" Max snapped, shouting at his father. "When have you ever looked out for me? Antonella isn't using me, she's the best thing that could've ever happened for Millie and I. She's the reason I get to see my daughter everyday, she's the reason my daughter has a smile on her face everyday, she's the reason I have a smile on my face everyday." He defended her, he was absolutely livid at his father for having the audacity to say these things about Antonella.
"She isn't using me for money, every dinner bought, every grocery paid for, even her birthday presents she offered to pay me for. And for the record Amalia robbed me of everything I had. Antonella would never in a million years do that to me, or Millie. She loves Millie like her own I can tell, and Antonella and I are strictly colleagues so your 'worries' don't even make sense." He took a deep breath, he was done. He could go on for hours, but his family was waiting for him. She was waiting for him. He opened the door to leave the room they were in, but before he could his father piped up once more.
"Strictly colleagues? Is that why you two went on a date? You know what fuck this, don't come crawling back to your Dad when she robs you blind like the last one did. I just hope this time you don't get left with a pathetic baby." Jos spat, it took everything in Max's power not to punch his father square in the nose.
"Go fuck yourself."
"Sorry I'm late, you guys should have ordered without me," he kissed his mums cheek before taking his seat next to Antonella and across from his daughter. "Nonsense, what did your boss want?"
"We were just having a quick discussion about strategies, you know, race stuff." Max explained with a short smile,
"You okay?" Ella whispered, Max nodded at her with a huge grin. "Your family are all so nice! Your Dad was a little intimidating, but maybe I was just imagining it. I'm sure he'll warm up to me," she smiled, innocently. Max's heart melted, he felt so guilty that Ella still saw good in his father, especially after the conversation he had just shared with him. He delicately rubbed her back, just for a second.
"Mils, do you wanna share a pizza again?" Ella asked, Millie agreed immediately. "Dad! Swap seats with me so I can share with Ella. Please, please, please!" The young girl begged, it didn't take much to convince him, he got up instantly, brushing his hand against Ella's on the way past, Millie got comfortable in what was previously her fathers seat, and began discussing what pizza her and Ella wanted to get. Max watched in awe.
Sitting with his family, watching everyone converse, he realised this was it. This was where he was meant to be. With his daughter, his mother, his sister and her family. With Antonella Bonardi. He looked at her, laughing with Victoria over some nonsense Max didn't understand, and that was when he knew he felt something for Ella. He wasn't sure what, and he didn't know what he wanted to do about it. But now he knew it was there, now he knew there was something in his heart for someone other than his daughter.
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a/n 20k reads and 1k votes??? thank u all sm that's insane!!!
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