Chapter Fourteen

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*My POV*

"What's up with you and tomatoes?" I ask Shawn as we walk along the beach eating our ice cream cones. I got cookie dough and The Dork got chocolate.

"Well.… They're all slimy, they ruin a good sandwich and I swear to god they glare at me…"

I laugh, "They don't have EYES! How do they glare at you??"

"It's just their BEING I don't like, okay? I keep having this one nightmare where everyone in the audience throws them at me…" he looks down at the sand.

"Huh. Okay well I promise if anyone throws a tomato at you I'll let my turtle emoji army get them."

He looks at me for a second and once he sees I'm serous he throws his head back and laughs, "Good plan. You let the turtles get them and I'll run away back to Canada."

"I WANNNAA GOOO TO CANADA!!"" I whine and pull on his arm.

"Damn, Mollie. You sure you're 16?"

"No actually I think my birth certificate is wrong."

He smiles and ruffles my hair, "Probably is. You act like you're four.. It's one of the things I love about you though. And about the Canada thing... I guess we could always go up there for a few days sometime. I mean if you want to."

"OHMYGOD YES I WANT TO GO!" I grin and jump up and down.

"Awesome! Well let's hang here for a little while then we'll go to Canada, okay?"

"Jessa calls it Canadia…."

"Ha! Really? Welllll whatever peels your peach!" He laughs.

"Hey! That's my saying. I've taught you so well." I smile, put my ice cream cone in my other hand and lace my fingers with his.




*Jessa's POV*

"That was beautiful.." Cam sniffles as the movie ends.. It took us about 30 minutes to decide on one. Matt wanted "Frozen", I wanted "Tangled" and then the other guys ganged up on us and wanted "Titanic" so that's what we ended up watching.

"I'll never let go, Jack!" I hear Mollie yell as she runs through door, dragging poor Shawn behind her.

"ROSSSEEE!!" I laugh and her and Shawn plop down onto the couch next to Matt and Taylor.

"How was the beach?" I ask.

"Well the beach itself is amazingly beautiful but this little shit decided to attempt to take me away in the ocean or something and I almost drowned. Then I got buried alive by sixty thousand surf boards.. And then we got delicious ice cream and walked along the shore till we stumbled upon the car then we came here."

"Jesus, Shawn. Why the fuck did you try to drown her?" Nash asks

"It was an accident!!!!" He shakes his head and looks away.

"I know." Mollie says and quickly leans over and kisses him.

"EWWWWW!!" We all yell at the same time.

"Grow the fuck up, children. I'm sure all of you have kissed somebody before." She looks at me and I blush, "SEEEE!! YOU'RE BLUSHING!! I don't know why after all these years you think you can lie to me. I know you too well."

"Oh yeah? What am I thinking of?" I ask her.


"Damn you're good.." I laugh and she smirks.

Just Another Girl  (Shawn Mendes/ Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now