Chapter Twenty

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Heeellloooo everyone! I know I haven't updated in forever but... Yeah. Anyways, this is a long chapter so hopefully you like it! ❤
*Jessa's POV, present day, Monday morning*

   I roll over, lay on my back and look up at the ceiling. Today is Monday… The day Nash comes home. We've been skyping every day for the past week and we text all the time but I still miss him. Since Nash is away and Shawn and the bitch are in Canada, I've been hanging out with Matt a lot. We went to the beach and got some ice cream yesterday.. And we hang out at his place some times.  His and Taylors apartment is actually really nice. I mean if one of them cleaned and did the dishes it'd be a heck of a lot better but what can ya do? Teenage boys will be teenage boys..
"Can we please go do something today??!!" Matt whines as he runs into Nash's room which is where I've been sleeping.

"Like what? I just woke up, Matt."

"I can see that! Your hair looks like shit." He chuckles.

"Fuck. You."

"Sorry, I don't take offers. Maybe try the fuckboy next door." He winks starts jumping on the bed, "GET UP GET UP GET UP!!!"

"MATTTTT!!!!!! GET THE FUCK OFF!" I yell and he sticks his tongue out at me and jumps back off the bed.

"Hurry your ass up and get ready. We're leaving in 15 minutes!"


"JUST DO IT!" He yells as he runs out of the room and slams the door shut... I sigh and flop back onto the bed… I don't see what's wrong with laying here all day but he'll come back if I don't get up soooooooo… I get up off my ass and go fix my hair and face.
*Short period of time later*

"Matt, please tell me where we're going." I beg as I lean my head back against the car seat.

"Or nah." He smirks.

"Tease." I roll my eyes and look back out the window. We're driving along the highway to some mysterious place that this dumbass won't inform me of.. My phone starts to buzz in my pocket and I take it out and read the screen.

CALL FROM- Fluffy❤✌

I smile and shake my head, "Hey, weirdo! What's up! I miss you."

"Awwee! I miss you too! I just wanted to call you before I got on the plane. I land around lunchtime and should be home around 1 or so."

"YAY! Can't wait to see you!"

"Same. Hey, when I get home let's go out to dinner or something okay? I'll text you when I land. Love you."

"Love you a million times more."

"No way in hell that's possible." He chuckles and ends the call. I take my phone off my ear and look at Nash's contact picture for a few seconds. It's one of both of us that Mollie took without either of us knowing. I'm looking away and Nash is just sitting there staring at me with a smirk on his face. It's my favorite picture ever.

"Does that say fluffy?" Matt asks as he glances over at my phone.

"Yes. Yes it does."

"Why the fuck do you call Nash fluffy...?"

"Hmm… His hair." I smile and Matt laughs.

"We're here!" He says as we pull into…. You're fucking joking.

"Matt…. Why the fucking fuck are we at Chuck E Cheese…"

"Because Nash comes home tonight and we need to do something fun before he gets you back and all you guys do is suck face for the next week." Matt says and my mouth drops open.

Just Another Girl  (Shawn Mendes/ Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now