Chapter Sixteen

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*Jessa's POV*

I wake up when drops of water land on my cheek. Realizing where I am, I try to sit up but immediately fall right back down when I feel a shooting pain in my head and the metal around my wrist reminds me I'm handcuffed to a pipe. I look down at myself and see that I'm naked and there are bruises all on my neck and down my stomach and legs.… Holy shit. That asshole raped me. He fucking kidnapped me, chained me up in his basement, choked me and raped me. How the hell am I supposed to get out of this??! I hear the door at the top of the stairs open and close my eyes.

"Hello, sweetheart. How are we doing this fine morning?" He walks over to me and kick me in my stomach. I scream, try to sit up and wrap my arm around myself. "Awe, now we're awake!" He kicks me again and I scream.

"Please.. Stop…" I cough and spit up blood.

"Mmm.... I don't know. Did you have fun last night?"

"I.. I don't remember anything." I shake my head.

"Well let's just say I had a lot of fun. You were in and out of consciousness all night." He takes a few steps over to me and lays his hand on my cheek. I look him in the eye. "You're quite brave. Too bad bravery does nothing for you right now." He smiles and rakes his nails across my face. I wince and look away. "Hmm.. I think I'm going to untie you for a little bit and maybe you'll be more willing in a few hours." He grabs my wrist and unlocks the handcuffs. They were on way too tight so whenever I pulled on them, they dug into my wrist. Now I have a huge, red indent all around my hand. "I'll be back in a little bit." He winks at me and heads up the stairs and into the living room, closing and locking the door.

I don't know what the hell I'm going to do but I need to think fast.




*Three hours later*

I look up when I hear the familiar sound of the stairs. I'm curled up in a ball in the back of the basement.

"Hey, darling. Are we ready to have some fun now?" He smirks and I try to fold in on myself and disappear.

"Can I have some water please?" I whisper.

"Maybe.… On one condition.. Kiss me and when I get back down here I can do whatever I want to you. Deal?"

"Deal." I say and try not to vomit. He walks over to me and lowers his head, bringing his lips to mine. I notice he tastes like beer and cigarettes. He immediately shoves his tongue down my throat and grabs my boob. I pull away a little and say, "Water first."

"You're such a tease." He smirks and stands up. Hearing him say that makes me think of Nash. How he would always stop millimeters away from my lips and drive me crazy. I miss him so much.. Hopefully this stupid plan works so I can get back home to him.

   As he turns around to head back up stairs, I grab the brick I found in one of the dusty corners and throw it as hard as I can at the back of his head. Thankfully my aim is on point today because it hits him and he trips on himself and falls on his knees. I quickly grab the shovel I didn't notice was even down here until about an hour ago and start beating the shit out of him with it.

"THIS IS FOR RAPING AND KIDNAPPING ME YOU DICKBAG!" I hit him over the head and he blacks out. Thank god. I grab his arm and drag him over to the pipe that I was stuck to and put the handcuff on him.  I reach into his shirt pocket and take the key. Before I run up the steps I hit him over the head one more time for good measure and quickly put on my clothes.

   I bolt up the steps and lock the door behind me. Breathing heavily, I lean against the door and close my eyes. Okay. Part one is complete. Now time for part two. I run into the kitchen and look for a phone. I find my cell and the house phone on the counter. After putting my phone in my pocket, I call the police.

"Hello, what is your emergency?"

"I was kidnapped but I escaped and now he's locked in the basement."

"Okay miss, we just traced your call and have officers on the way right now."

I hang up and run out the door and into the daylight and inhale the fresh air. I was only in there for two days but it feels like forever. There's a path in the woods that I'm guessing is the way we came since there's no other driveway or anything. I run like hell down the the trail and don't stop till I hear sirens. I quickly hide behind a tree as the car drives past. Not really in the mood to be there while they arrest his ass. I shake my head and keep running.




I finally reach the beach I was kidnapped on. It's completely empty as usual. I walk up to the ocean and sit in the shallow water and sand, resting my head on my knees and looking out into the water. Holy shit. I was just kidnapped, abused and raped.  Why aren't I upset? All I feel is energy. Like I could run a mile.…

"JESSA!!!!" I look up when I hear my name and see Mollie running to me. Oh great, this should be fun to explain. She runs into me hugs me so hard I think I might die from lack of oxygen, "Where the hell have you been? We've checked this stupid beach three times in the past two days. Nash is losing his mind."

"It's a long story...." I start to say but stop when I see the look on her face change. Looking down at myself, I see the bruises on my neck and collar bones along the top of my shirt.

"Jessa… What the hell happened and why do you look like shit?"

"I was kidnapped and raped…" I whisper and look away. Mollie takes a step back and looks around. "It's okay. I escaped and called the cops. They're at his house now. Remember the creepy guy I told you about from the gun shop? Well he followed us to LA, found me on the beach the other day and took me to his house where he proceeded to chain me up, beat the shit out of me and rape me... "

"Jessa. Come on, let's go back to the apartment and talk about this more. Nash is flipping his shit. We've been looking all over the city for the past two days non stop. You can explain everything to all of us once we get out of here. I don't want to be on this beach in case he somehow got away." She grabs my arm and we start to walk along the shore and up to the park.

"Wait." I stop her and she looks at me questioningly, "Don't tell Nash I was raped. He doesn't need to know I lost my virginity to that asshole."

"Jessa.." She shakes her head.

"Real talk. Don't say anything about it, okay?"

"Fine. Now let's go."




End of chapter sixteen!

Thanks so much for reading! I would really appreciate it if you voted for this story! Love y'all❤❤

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