-------Chapter 1-------

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                                                                     Sophie POV

Well if you don't already know me, I'm Sophie Elizabeth Foster. I'm 17 years old, almost 18, and I'm an elf, but I thought I was human for 12 years of my life.

Heh, pretty crazy, right?

I live in the Lost Cities, which is a large area filled with elves, gnomes, dwarves, trolls, goblins, and ogres. The Lost Cities are hidden from humans, the only species on Earth who don't know that we exist.

Well except my human sister, Amy.

So here's the thing. I was born and raised in the Forbidden Cities ( the territory of the humans of which the elves, gnomes, goblins, trolls, ogres, and dwarves call), and I grew up with a human family. They're not my biological family, and my parents don't know that I exist anymore cause I chose to let them forget me so they didn't have to go through the trauma of thinking that their daughter is dead.

Heh, nobody wants that.

When I was 14, my human parents got kidnapped by the Neverseen, which I will get to that topic in a moment. When my human sister, Amy, saw me, I triggered her memories and she remembered me. So I had to explain everything to her. Once me and my friends saved my human parents, Amy was given the choice if she wanted to remember the Lost Cities, or forget we ever existed, but in the end, she chose to remember Everything. But she couldn't tell anyone about it, cause humans aren't supposed to know the lost cities exist.

Wow, that was such a complicated point in my life.

Then, again, my life is complicated.

Cause I'm the Moonlark.

Now you're probably wondering what that means.

So remember when I was talking about the Black Swan. Well up until, like five years ago, the Black Swan was a very secretive rebel group.

A rebel group.


Well I'm part of it.

And remember the Neverseen, well that's another rebel group.

But let me get things straight with you.

Black Swan equals good.

Neverseen equals bad.

So here's the thing. The Black Swan has been fighting the Neverseen for decades. The Neverseen want to overpower the Council. The Council is basically these leaders of the Lost Cities who are only elves. Well then again, there are the other leaders who lead their species. Like Queen Hylda, leader of the goblins. Or Queen Nubitti, leader of the dwarves. Or King Dimitar, leader of the ogres. But to sum it up, the Council is kinda like the supreme rulers of the Lost Cities. And my biological mother, Councilor Oralie, is part of the council. But Councilors aren't supposed to have children, so it has to stay secret.

So back with the Neverseen. If they overpower the Council, they would basically take over the Lost Cities, and probably the Forbidden Cities too. And if that happened, there would be chaos and death everywhere. And that's where the black Swan comes in. The Black Swan has been existing for decades, but the Black swan really got into action when I came to the Lost Cities when I was 12.

Now I'm gonna tell you why I'm called the Moonlark, and my history throughout my time in the Forbidden Cities and in the Lost Cities.

Decades ago, the Black Swan came up with an idea to help stop the Neverseen from destroying and taking over.

This idea was me.

I don't think I've mentioned this; I'm not a regular elf. All elves are supposed to have blue eyes, but I have brown eyes because of my genetics; which I will get to in a moment. I have five abilities which is not normal for an elf. There has only been an elf with two abilities, not five. My abilities are a telepath, meaning I can read and communicate with my mind with every species on Earth(even animals). I'm an inflictor, the second elf in the world who has that ability. Councilor Bronte has that ability too. When you're an inflictor you can cause pain with your mind on someone. But because of my genetics, I can also inflict happiness. I am a teleporter, the only and first one in the world actually. I can teleport because of my genetics. I am a polyglot, which means I can understand and speak fluently in any language that ever exists. And lastly, I'm an enhancer. Currently, I am the only enhancer on the planet. My enhancing ability allows me to boost someone's ability, so I mean it doesn't really benefit me at all. It could be a dangerous weapon.

Two years ago I wasn't able to control my enhancing, So I had to wear gloves all the time. My ability comes from my hand so when I touch someone who has an ability, I make their ability really strong. But now I can switch my ability on and off, so it would be alright if something ended up happening to me.

Now back to talking about me as the Moonlark and my genetics.

So the Black Swan decided they were going to get my biological parents, I don't know who my father is yet, and my mother and father don't know each other. So they took my mother's embryo, and they started to play around with my genetics. They added lots of powerful abilities, and I definitely have more abilities that I don't even know of yet. They added to my genetic alicorn genes, which is the reason why I can teleport, and why my eyes are brown with gold flecks in them. So the Black Swan added so much more different things to my genes, and most of them I don't even know about.

The black Swan wanted to call their project, Project Moonlark.

And I'm the Moonlark.

So to sum it up, I'm pretty unique.

And I can't deny that.

So ever since I came to the Lost Cities, I have been fighting with my friends, family, Council, Kings, Queens, and the Black Swan, trying to stop the Neverseen from destroying the world.

I have been worrying, hardly sleeping, planning, figuring out, sacrificing, trusting, and so much more to get to this point so far.

And after all of the hardships that me and everyone suffered through, I am happy to say that we won. The Neverseen were defeated last year.

And, oh lord, was it such a big and hard battle.

But it was a success. 

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