Chapter 4

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                                                                  ---Sophie's POV-----

"Come on Keefe!" I yell at him, while laughing. I swear, where does he always come up with these jokes?

"I'm coming for you Foster! And it's gonna be a tickle festival!" He yells back.

"Nope! I'm gonna teleport away from you!" I yell back, smiling, sticking my tongue out at him.

When I was looking away for a second, Keefe charged at me and tackled me.

I was shocked for a second, and then he started tickling me. And I hated and loved it so much.

I was laughing so hard, I was practically crying. I couldn't breathe.

"Sto-'' I laugh. I start thrashing my legs, and my arms clutching my stomach.

I try to contain myself, and try making puppy eyes, "please, I wanna get you back." I tell him.

"Fine, only because I'm gonna run." He says with a smirk.

I jump up and get ready to chase him until I hear my adoptive mom, Edaline, call out to us.

"Come on you lovebirds!" She yells out of the house, "It's time for you guys to head to Manhattan!"

"We're coming!" I yell back to her.

I grab his hand and give him a quick peck on the cheek. "Let's go dummy." I tell him.

I pull him toward the house.

Inside sat Edaline and Grady at the couch in the family room.

"Hey guys." I tell them.

"Hey." Keefe says to them.

"Hey, so you guys should get going, you know." "I bet your friends are waiting." Edaline tells us.

"Well we'll be back at sunset, alright mom and dad?" I say to them.

"Yep kido, but no later than that.You hear me?" He tells me.

"Sure, grady." I say, rolling my eyes and smiling.

"Okay well I'm gonna change into my clothing that doesn't look so elvin." I tell them.

"Oh! I should probably do that too!" Answered Keefe.

"Okay, be back here in ten minutes," I tell him.

"Sure thing Foster. Bye for now." he says, giving me a quick kiss.

"You know you two are so cute." My mom tells me.


She just chuckles.

I go upstairs to my massive room, and just flop down on my bed. I take a deep breath and sigh.

It was only one year where I had a break from the drama of the world.

I get up from my bed and go into my closet and take out a dress that looks pretty cute.

It was an ice blue dress that had little flowers embroidered onto it and came down to my knees.

Now, it would kind of look weird if I wear my leggings with it, and I had to blend with the humans. And since it's summer, it would blend in if I wore the dress without leggings. Now in the elvin world, nobody really does that. I guess they consider it inappropriate.

Either way, when we get to Manhattan, I definitely gonna get new human clothes.

I brush my hair and straighten it. I add some black eyeliner which makes my eyes pop. I know I used to hate makeup, and I guess I don't hate it anymore. But I only like a little makeup on me. But like full makeup? The whole shebang? I think it could be kinda gross.

I picked out these boots that I had with tiny heels, it's color white. It matched with my dress.

I took out a little purse from my closet that I got as a present from Biana at midterms in level six at Foxfire.

I put in that purse my phone, a couple of lusters, a bottle of youth, my imparter, my leaping crystal, some throwing stars, just in case.

I walk out of my room, without my cape, and I walk downstairs, to find my parents hugging.

I don't think they noticed me here, so I slowly crept towards them, and wrapped my arms around them. We stayed like that for a minute, and I let go first.

"Are you guys okay?" I ask them.

"Yeah. Just a little hug." Grady tells me, having an arm wrapped around Edaline's shoulder. She was smiling.

"I guess I should get going now," I tell them.

"Yeah. Well take care. Be careful." Edaline says.

"We love you kiddo." Grady says.

"I love you both too." I say, giving them both a quick peck on the cheek.

I walk out of the door, and look behind me, and smile at my parents. They smile back at me.

I walk towards the cliff, and call my friends on my imparter. They told me they would be there any minute.

I waited for about two minutes, and they appeared.

Not everybody could come. Linh couldn't come, Fitz, and Wylie. The rest came though. Keefe came, he was wearing a tunic with pants, no cape. Same with the other boys. The girls were mainly wearing dresses with no leggings, or we're wearing dress shirts with leggings.

"Alright. Everybody, are you ready?"

"Yes. Let's do this." Marella said.

"This is going to be my first real expedition in the Forbidden Cities." Maruca says.

"Let's go see what kind of fashion the humans of Manhattan wear!" Biana exclaimed. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm seriously not in the mood. I only came because Linh forced me to." Tam groaned.

"Oh shut up. Stop being so pessimistic." I tell him.

"You know, I'm pretty eager to tinker with human technology." Dex smirked. I glared at him, giving him my death stare.

"I'm with you there Dexy, let's wreak some havoc!" Keefe exclaims, throwing his arms in the air. He too, gets my legendary death stare.

"Okay stop talking stupid. You two will not be doing that. We have to get going. Manhattan is a very big city." I tell them.

"Okay everyone, grab someone's hand. And also one more thing. If my theory is correct, if greek mythology is actually true, then our lives will be extremely different." I tell them and take a deep breath.

Then we jump off the cliff, and I open the void.

Embrace The Change - A KOTLC and PJO crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now